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My Lenovo IdeaPad FLEX-15IIL will not power on.

The laptop is used sparsely, usually closing it rather than powering it off. The other day we opened it up and it won't come on. I have reset the pinhole button, pressed the power button for 30 secs, etc. It is not the cord or outlet. LENOVA wants me to pay to get support, screw that. What next?

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Herb Blake does it give you any sign of life? Have you checked the charger with a voltmeter to see if it works? Checked the charging port for any obvious damage like bent pins, corrosion etc.?

No damage. No issues with cords or outlets. It is used a few times a week and stays on the same surface. It's practically new in condition, but beyond warranty. No lights or any sign of life.

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Check that there is 20V DC on the output plug of the charger.

If the charger is OK, open the laptop and connect the charger and check if there is 20V DC where the DC-In jack part #5C10S29899 plugs into the motherboard. (supplier example only).

Here's the hardware maintenance manual for the laptop. Go to p.49 to view the procedure to remove the DC-In cable to see how to access it so that you can test.

If there is no voltage at the motherboard plug end of the DC-In cable then most likely what has happened is that the +ve centre pin in the jack has broken internally and the jack will have to be replaced as it cannot be repaired. Search online using the part number only, mentioned previously, to find suppliers that suit you best.

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