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Repair guides and disassembly information for the MacBook Pro 16'' released in November of 2019. Model A2141, EMC 3347.

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With water damage to the screen, I cannot boot to the second screen...

With water damage to the screen, I cannot boot to the additional screen via the usb c port, any advise, please.

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good afternoon @easter180,

That would be quite unfortunate, hey at least it turns on at all.

Here's a few pieces of info i need to help bring this down to one cause:

1) Is there any corrosion/burnt pins in the ports

2) have you tried all ports?

3) can you airplay?

4) what else is damaged as a result?

5) have you taken apart the machine and checked all the surface mount BGA chips? These can get corrosion beneath them.

The last thing i'll say here is that you should always google first as 9.9/10 times there will be a solution. This forum is here for a lot of the stuff google can't answer (which admittedly that's alot).

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