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Repair information, service manuals, and troubleshooting help for refrigerators manufactured by LG Electronics.

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LG French Door Fridge No Longer Going Cold

My LG GM-B208BVS fridge stopped going cold a few days ago.

I have completed a thorough investigation and can report the below findings:

  1. The condenser fan is not spinning when fridge is on
    1. The condenser fan does also not work in test mode
    2. When fridge is powered on condenser fan appears to attempt to turn very slightly but stops immediately, then does not attempt to even start again
  2. The condenser is not making any noise, its not warm either
    1. The condenser does also not appear to be working in test mode
  3. The evaporator fan appears to be working
    1. When doors are closed evaporator fan is pushing air into fridge.

In test mode the condenser fan and condenser should work, even if there is an issue or signal being sent from the defroster etc.

I am stumped and I am wondering if the condenser fan stopped working which in turn caused the compressor to overheat.

I only have a very basic multi meter but can try some further tests if anyone can assist further.

Thank you

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Hi @bsmith1979

The condenser fan is used more to cool the condenser unit rather than to keep the compressor cool.

Is the compressor motor operating?

If not here's the compressor troubleshooting flowchart that may help.

Note: this service manual is also for your model - see p.1

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Thanks for your reply

It appears the compressor

Motor is not running. It’s not warm or making any sound.

Thank you


Following the flowchart should find the problem.

Hopefully it won't be the compressor itself though.

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