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Repair and disassembly information for Samsung's flagship S20+ Android smartphone, released in March of 2020.

37 질문 전체 보기

Why do I have a blue line on my screen?

Why do i have a blue line in the middle, along the whole length of the phone for afew seconds after screen unlocked?

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Hi @kamal_bathusa

Try the following and check if either resolves the problem.

  • Wipe the cache partition and check
  • Try starting the phone in safe mode and check if the line appears or not. If it doesn't, then a downloaded app may be the cause of the problem. The trick is to find out which one. You will need to uninstall each downloaded app one by one and test the phone in normal mode between each uninstall to see if the problem is still there or not. Once it has gone, then the last downloaded app that was uninstalled was the culprit. A downloaded app is one the you downloaded and installed on the phone and didn't come pre-installed on the phone when you first got it.

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