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Can I change internal settings battery on 7R3

My Sony 7R3 loses all settings (language, time, etc) if it is turned off even for a few seconds. I assume there is an internal battery to keep these settings that has died. Can I replace it myself, or do I have to send it into Sony? (if the latter, where is a link to do so?)

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Here's is an image, taken from the service manual showing the location of the secondary Lithium coin cell battery BT1001 in the camera.

Block Image

(click on image)

Here's an image of the AS1005 board on which the battery is situated which shows the battery holder and that the battery just needs to be popped out and that it is not soldered to the board.

Block Image

(click on image)

There's a dis-assembly flowchart on p.2-3 of the service manual and the AS1005 board is on the M-Frame B block on p.2-11 so follow the flow chart to get to the M-Frame B block

The Sony part number for the battery is shown in the 1st image. There's not too many suppliers found when searching online using the part number but hopefully there may be a battery model number stamped on the battery itself which may make it easier to find a replacement.

Hopefully this is of some help

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The Sony a7R III is a digital camera, and it does not have internal battery settings that can be changed. However, you can change certain settings related to battery usage, such as the power save mode or display brightness. It is also recommended to regularly calibrate the battery to ensure accurate battery life display.


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