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Repair guides and disassembly information for the MacBook Pro 16'' released in November of 2019. Model A2141, EMC 3347.

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What other parts are required to replace the touchbar?

Hello , recently I'm having issue that my MacBook Pro 16" 2019 keeps shutting down or restarts by it's own. I have another problem too where the Touchbar keeps flickering and blank buy it's responding. I went to the apple store they said it's not the logic board problem. It's the touchbar , where the top case need to be replaced. Can I know what other parts are required to replace the Touchbar ? Thank you.

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Well… Apple loves making things hard! Sadly, it’s not a simple. The TouchBar is glued down to the uppercase quite well. I’ve used solvents and heat taking a few hours to get it off in the older 2016/17 models when I was able to get my hands on the part.

Frankly, the 16” part is about $150 USD getting a uppercase I think is the better direction today. First your battery is getting close to four years, your keycaps are likely a bit worn as well. A used uppercase can be had for $300 USD a new one from Apple is about a hundred more with a fresh battery.

But, I’m not sure you need a new TouchBar. Often the driver logic which is located on the cable is the problem.

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