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Dishwasher FGIP2468UF1A does not fill water.

After the start, I can hear the drain pump sound. After about a minute the drain pump stops but the dishwasher does not fill up with water.

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Could be the water inlet valve or the float switch perhaps

Here is the service data sheet for the dishwasher.

Run the diagnostic test procedure as described in the sheet and check if any error codes are displayed.

There's a list of possible causes for a Dishwasher will not fill with water condition under Troubleshooting tips. (lower right on p.2)

The sheet also has the wiring diagram which may help.

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if its an old dishwasher it probably something inside somebody might have had the same problem and then tried to fix it and put the wires and the electricity on the inside of the dishwasher kinda short out so its probably because the people who used it before wired it wrong.

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I agree low key

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