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6s와 유사한 하드웨어 사양의 4-inch iPhone은 2016년 3월에 출시되었습니다. 16/32/64/128 GB 저장 옵션 및 은색, 스페이스 그레이, 금색 또는 로즈 골드로 제공됩니다. 모델 A1662 및 A1723.

20 질문 전체 보기

Panic CPU 0 caller - Debugger message: panic\nMemory


I change screen and battery on an iPhone SE (1st generation). The phone fell. Before the change, the screen was very bad but worked. The battery was at the end of it and was draining very quickly. I don't seem to have noticed this problem before.

At first the phone rebooted inaccurately. That is to say that it could stay on for 5 minutes or more without restarting. For example I had time to backup or install the latest update from computer with no problem before restart.

After a long battery charge it was better but not immediatly, it lasted a whole evening without reboot but when I woke up in morning it was off. Since then it restarts every 3 minutes.

I tried forced start, but the bug persist.

I restore in DFU mode. but I don't even have time to finish the configuration that it reboots. I don't even have time to finish the configuration that it restarts.

Nothing has done so far. Does anyone have an idea before I go any further ?

Thanks a lot.



{"bug_type":"210","timestamp":"2023-02-06 12:14:34.00 +0100","os_version":"iPhone OS 15.7.3 (19H307)","incident_id":"4D935AC4-0BA9-4CA7-9150-7E2D65F6A162"}
  "build" : "iPhone OS 15.7.3 (19H307)",
  "product" : "iPhone8,4",
  "socId" : "0x00008003",
  "kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0: Sun Jan  8 22:45:58 PST 2023; root:xnu-8020.241.19~1\/RELEASE_ARM64_S8000",
  "incident" : "4D935AC4-0BA9-4CA7-9150-7E2D65F6A162",
  "crashReporterKey" : "0c1737a3c82425d50738e3cfe466a82b9d7fd4b7",
  "date" : "2023-02-06 12:14:34.57 +0100",
  "panicString" : "panic(cpu 0 caller 0xfffffff017c6f01c): SError esr: 0xbf575403 far: 0x0000000000000000.\nDebugger message: panic\nMemory ID: 0x1\nOS release type: User\nOS version: 19H307\nKernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0: Sun Jan  8 22:45:58 PST 2023; root:xnu-8020.241.19~1\/RELEASE_ARM64_S8000\nKernelCache UUID: D033E0C6CE3D84775BF2F05AECA8CF3F\nKernel UUID: 74999778-CD9A-32AF-A00D-9F6B363B0596\niBoot version: iBoot-7459.140.15\nsecure boot?: YES\nPaniclog version: 13\nKernel slide:      0x00000000109c8000\nKernel text base:  0xfffffff0179cc000\nmach_absolute_time: 0x689aa544\nEpoch Time:        sec       usec\n  Boot    : 0x63e0e0c7 0x000571cb\n  Sleep   : 0x00000000 0x00000000\n  Wake    : 0x00000000 0x00000000\n  Calendar: 0x63e0e109 0x000aa27d\n\nZone info:\n  Zone map: 0xfffffff24437c000 - 0xfffffff84437c000\n  . VM    : 0xfffffff24437c000 - 0xfffffff32a9e0000\n  . RO    : 0xfffffff32a9e0000 - 0xfffffff3776ac000\n  . GEN0  : 0xfffffff3776ac000 - 0xfffffff45dd10000\n  . GEN1  : 0xfffffff45dd10000 - 0xfffffff544374000\n  . GEN2  : 0xfffffff544374000 - 0xfffffff62a9dc000\n  . GEN3  : 0xfffffff62a9dc000 - 0xfffffff711044000\n  . DATA  : 0xfffffff711044000 - 0xfffffff84437c000\n  Metadata: 0xfffffffbef130000 - 0xfffffffbf0930000\n  Bitmaps : 0xfffffffbf0930000 - 0xfffffffbf148c000\n\nCORE 0 is the one that panicked. Check the full backtrace for details.\nCORE 1: PC=0xfffffff017b7c628, LR=0xfffffff017b7c628, FP=0xfffffff0ccabbf00\nCompressor Info: 3% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 1% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space\nPanicked task 0xfffffff62a862bf8: 2212 pages, 15 threads: pid 65: backboardd\nPanicked thread: 0xfffffff544989c20, backtrace: 0xfffffff0cc3fb340, tid: 1102\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff017b50c84  fp: 0xfffffff0cc3fb380\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff017b50a0c  fp: 0xfffffff0cc3fb3f0\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff017c6e54c  fp: 0xfffffff0cc3fb460\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff017c6d530  fp: 0xfffffff0cc3fb510\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff017b19594  fp: 0xfffffff0cc3fb520\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff017b50728  fp: 0xfffffff0cc3fb8b0\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff017b50728  fp: 0xfffffff0cc3fb910\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff01818f6bc  fp: 0xfffffff0cc3fb930\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff017c6f01c  fp: 0xfffffff0cc3fb980\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff017b196a4  fp: 0xfffffff0cc3fb990\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff017c6d3bc  fp: 0xfffffff0cc3fbd00\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff0180648a0  fp: 0xfffffff0cc3fbd40\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff01713af44  fp: 0xfffffff0cc3fbdd0\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff017f2391c  fp: 0xfffffff0cc3fbe10\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff017f240fc  fp: 0xfffffff0cc3fbeb0\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff017f2357c  fp: 0xfffffff0cc3fbee0\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff017f2349c  fp: 0xfffffff0cc3fbf20\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff017b1f520  fp: 0x0000000000000000\n\n",
  "panicFlags" : "0x802",
  "otherString" : "\n** Stackshot Succeeded  Bytes Traced 154434 (Uncompressed 398624) \n",
  "memoryStatus" : {"compressorSize":1346,"compressions":9360,"decompressions":4169,"busyBufferCount":0,"memoryPressureDetails":{"pagesWanted":0,"pagesReclaimed":0},"pageSize":16384,"memoryPressure":false,"memoryPages":{"active":51362,"throttled":0,"fileBacked":60472,"wired":16185,"purgeable":1382,"inactive":48096,"free":2534,"speculative":3341}},
  "processByPid" : {
    "0" : {"pid":0,"residentMemoryBytes":442368,"timesDidThrottle":0,"systemTimeTask":0,"pageIns":0,"pageFaults":786,"userTimeTask":26.974376708000001,"procname":"kernel_task","copyOnWriteFaults":0,"threadById":{"606":{"continuation":[0,68844406996],"userTime":1.9580000000000001e-06,"systemTime":0,"id":606,"basePriority":81,"name":"IOGPU Default WorkLoop","user_usec":1,"schedPriority":81,"system_usec":0,"state":["TH_WAIT","TH_UNINT"],"waitEvent":[1,11785129593317743893]},"631":{"continuation":[0,68844406996],"userTime":2.125e-06,"systemTime":0,"id":631,"basePriority":81,"name":"IOTimerEventSourceActionWrapper","user_usec":2,"schedPriority":81,"system_usec":0,"state":["TH_WAIT","TH_UNINT"],"waitEvent":[1,11785129593317744853]},"259":{"continuation":[0,68844406996],"userTime":0.025149916000000001,"systemTime":0,"id":259,"basePriority":81,"name":"AppleS5L8940XI2CController","user_usec":25149,"schedPriority":81,"system_usec":0,"state":["TH_WAIT","TH_UNINT"],"waitEvent":[1,11785129593317738453]},"348":{"continuation":[0,68844406996],"userTime":7.2080000000000003e-06,"systemTime":0,"id":348,"basePriority":81,"name":"AppleS5L8960XDART","user_usec":7,"schedPriority":81,"system_usec":0,"state":["TH_WAIT","TH_UNINT"],"waitEvent":[1,11785129593317741413]},"534":{"continuation":[0,68844406996],"userTime":0.01876425,"systemTime":0,"id":534,"basePriority":81,"name":"AppleMultitouchN1SPI","user_usec":18764,"schedPriority":81,"system_usec":0,"state":["TH_WAIT","TH_UNINT"],"waitEvent":[1,11785129593317743093]},"526":{"continuation":[0,68844406996],"userTime":2.9666e-05,"systemTime":0,"id":526,"basePriority":81,"name":"AppleARMPMUCharger","user_usec":29,"schedPriority":81,"system_usec":0,"state":["TH_WAIT","TH_UNINT"],"waitEvent":[1,11785129593317743013]},"623":{"continuation":[0,68844406996],"userTime":1.8330000000000001e-06,"systemTime":0,"id":623,"basePriority":81,"name":"IOAsynchronousScheduler","user_usec":1,"schedPriority":81,"system_usec":0,"state":["TH_WAIT","TH_UNINT"],"waitEvent":[1,11785129593317744613]},"454":{"continuation":[0,68842593576],"userTime":2.125e-06,"systemTime":0,"id":454,"basePriority":81,"user_usec":2,"system_usec":0,"schedPriority":81,"state":["TH_WAIT","TH_UNINT"],"waitEvent":[0,68845263648]},"268":{"continuation":
답변되었습니다! 답변 보기 저도 같은 문제가 있습니다

좋은 질문입니까?

점수 1
댓글 2개

Have you tried reinstalling the original battery? Even if it was draining quickly, it might be work seeing if the issue is the same.

@flannelist Thank you for the answer. Unfortunately the battery was complicated to remove. It has become unusable.

But I will test with another battery at least to eliminate a possible battery problem.

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답변 1개

선택된 해법

Did you replace or damage the front camera flex when replacing the screen. I tend to find either a faulty battery or front camera causes this. I’d definitely try the battery first then have a look at the camera

이 답변이 도움이 되었나요?

점수 0

댓글 2개:

When I replace the front camera I think no, but maybe when I removed it from the phone. I test camera after replacement and all work, but maybe it's possible that it works despite the slightly damaged flex.

I have a few parts coming, I'll be able to test all of that.

Thanks a lot.

Did you find the problem? I'm getting the same error, the NAND integrated circuit has been changed but the problem still hasn't been fixed.

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