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Colored Vertical Lines - Panasonic TH-60C310Q

Hi All,

I have a Panasonic TH-60C310Q, when I got it it had two vertical lines on the display (full row, top to bottom). Over the last 2 months, an additional 2 lines have popped up coming to a total of 4 lines now

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I have taken the panel off the back and attempted to wiggle/clean the two ribbons that you can see at the bottom of this picture

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Cleaning and wiggling them had no effect on these lines (obviously, it got significantly worse while disconnected but returned to normal when connected). I even swapped them around, so the ribbon is not the problem.

I also moved around all of the other connectors, etc., with no change, I inspected the boards themselves and didn't see any signs of damage.

Any ideas on where the problem could lie?

FYI pics:

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Based on your description and the images provided, it appears that your Panasonic TV has developed vertical lines on the display. This issue can be caused by a few different factors, including a faulty LCD panel, a damaged T-Con board, or a problem with the ribbon cables that connect the T-Con board to the LCD panel.

Since you have already tried cleaning and wiggling the ribbon cables and swapping them around with no improvement, it's possible that the issue lies with the T-Con board or the LCD panel itself.

Here are some additional troubleshooting steps you can try:

  1. Check for firmware updates: Check the Panasonic website for any firmware updates for your TV model. Sometimes firmware updates can fix display issues like this.
  2. Check the T-Con board: The T-Con board controls the timing and voltage of the signals going to the LCD panel. Check the T-Con board for any signs of damage or loose connections. You can also try replacing the T-Con board to see if that fixes the issue.
  3. Check the LCD panel: Unfortunately, if the issue is with the LCD panel itself, it may be more difficult to fix. If the TV is still under warranty, you can contact Panasonic for a repair or replacement. If the TV is out of warranty, you may need to replace the entire panel, which can be expensive.
  4. Seek professional help: If none of these steps work, it may be best to seek professional help from a TV repair specialist. They can diagnose the issue and provide you with a repair estimate.

Overall, it's difficult to determine the exact cause of the issue without further diagnosis, but the steps above can help you narrow down the problem and determine the best course of action for repair.

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tyranvanzyl those lines will not come from the T-con board not will they come from the LVDS cables (those ribbon cables) If anything they originate on the panel itself. You need to dig a bit more. Follow the two flat ribbon cables. They will end on the controller board. that board is connected to your panel via multiple small ribbon cables (depending on your panel most likely they will be COF cables) Check the connections on those to the panel. Looking at the rest of your boards, you have quite a lot of corrosion and dust/dirt/grime on those. all of that is conductive. you maybe shortening out the tracks. Clean everything off (use high grade isopropyl alcohol after you wiped the gross contamination down with a microfibre cloth. Remember that you cannot remove the LCD controller board so be careful with that. Post some good pictures of that board as well as the wires going to the panel.

It is possible that these are TAB errors. That is where the "bonding" that adheres the thin ribbon cables to the actual panel, comes loose or corroded. Take a really close look at those and apply some gentle pressure on them. You will most likely see that the lines either change or disappear That is incredible difficult to fix, but sometimes some downward pressure applied by some adhesive tape etc. can make them go away, for a while at least. If you have trouble identifying the ribbon and Tab just post some more images of what you see on the top of your LCD panel. It should look something like the images I attached.

For illustration purpose only

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