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Released in May of 2020, Model Numbers: SM-A217F/DS (Global), SM-A217F/DSN (Russia), Processor: Exynos 850, 3GB/4GB RAM, 6,5" inches display, 5000 mAh battery with 15W fast charging and USB type C.

114 질문 전체 보기

Why does my phone screen blip when turned off?

Hello admin. My phone screen blips even when it's turned off and more so it can't be recognized when connected to the PC Through the USB.


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Hi @micopio,

Has the phone been dropped or gotten wet at all?

Not at all and the USB also can't be recognized.

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Hi @micopio

Try to determine whether it is a software problem or a hardware problem.

If it works OK in safe mode then a downloaded app may be the cause of the problem. The trick is to find out which one. You will need to uninstall each download app, one by one and test the phone in normal mode between each uninstall. When it works OK the last downloaded app that was uninstalled was the culprit. A downloaded app is one that you downloaded and installed on the phone and wasn't there when you first got it.

Try a factory reset and check if that resolves the problem. Take note of the Caution disclaimers so that you understand what this involves. Backup the phone to the cloud, before attempting a reset. Once the phone has been reset, check if it works OK.

If it doesn't it's a hardware problem and further testing is required.
If it does, restore the phone to what it was by using the phone's restore feature (found in Settings) and the backup you made before the reset. When it has been restored check that it still works OK.

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