Phone is locked from company how to unlock

Phone is locked from company how to unlock

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Afternoon mate,

When you say locked to company, i assume there's a certain level of Admin that you can't remove. However if possible can you elaborate please?

Because this is a company phone, i assume there's a PIN lock on the device, so you'll need to go through some Android rooting to get it off your device. I will refer you to this article i found after 5 seconds of googling, so do let me know if it helps:

Hi @goldytiruwa,

If the phone is network locked to a particular service provider, check the service provider's website, for how to unlock the phone.

@goldytiruwa Are you asking about a carrier lock (the phone cannot be used with other service providers) or an administrative lock (you might only be able to use certain apps, Doral certain phone numbers etc.)? Who is your carrier/cell chone service provider?

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