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Kenmore is a popular appliance brand commonly sold by Sears, but Sears does not manufacture any of the appliances themselves. Instead, they source that out and have other manufacturers make their appliances for them. Kenmore refrigerators are made by a variety of different manufacturers including LG, Electrolux, GE, and Whirlpool.

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My freezer not freezing fridge not staying cold enough

My standup kenmore refridgerater freezer not freezing fridge not cool

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Hi @davidklaver,

What is the model number of the refrigerator?

Is the compressor motor running continually trying to drive the temps down or does it stop occasionally?

Can you hear if the evaporator fan inside the freezer compartment is running?

If the compressor is running then the evaporator fan should also be running but the fan will stop when you open a door (either door) and start again when the door is shut. Do not confuse this fan with the condenser fan which is outside the compartments near the compressor and can run regardless of the doors being open or shut.

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If the refrigerator works but cools insufficiently the cause will almost certainly be low refrigerant level. You need special knowledge and equipment to repair this. Unfortunately, you need to call a repair person to look at it or just replace it.

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