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343 질문 전체 보기

How does one replace a Hyby Walker R3 Pro lithium battery?

How does one replace a Hyby Walker R3 Pro lithium battery? I need a guide to soldering and how to unseal a mp3 player I bet it is not as hard as one thinks it might be to replace the battery I ordered it I just need help with this or something similar to it.

Please guide or advise?

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This question was migrated from https://meta.ifixit.com/Answers.

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Hi @jeffwatel

Here's a battery replacement video for a Hyby Walker R3 that may help.

I realize that it isn't the exact same model but it seems that the cover has to be heated to be able to remove it.

Hopefully it is the same for your model.

if you need to replace the adhesive so that the cover will reseal securely after the repair, ifixit sells Tesa 61395 Tape of various diameters (1mm, 2mm, 4mm and 8mm)

Tesa 61395 Tape 이미지


Tesa 61395 Tape


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