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My laptops right usb port frame broke

My laptops right usb port frame broke

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Hi @junaidakhtar,

What is the model number of the laptop as shown on the product info label on the bottom of the laptop?

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Well I will suggest to take your laptop to service center or Place were laptop repair work in done. Because if you don't have the knowledge about system hardware and if you try to do it by your self it might damage you laptop even more.

And the following video might be helpful or you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGQBCebA...

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@gtip the goal here is to empower people to fix their own devices. We try to help the OP as much as we can by showing them what we think is wrong. Then we show and explain how we think it could be fixed. Then it is up to the OP to make the decision to fix it or to have somebody fix it. To tell them to go to get it fixed at a service center without explanation is just not the same. They come here for help and not to be send away.

@oldturkey03 If some one don't have the don't have the knowledge about system hardware and if they try to repair the system by there self it might damage the laptop even more. So that's why I suggest for taking the laptop to service center.

@gtip I know and I understand. But, if people do not know what is involved with a repair, they may not know if they can or can't do it :-)

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