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2020년 4월에 발표 및 출시된 2세대 iPhone SE의 수리 및 분해 정보입니다.

246 질문 전체 보기

Why does my phone turn off while using and then turn back on?

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When I’m using the phone, it turns off every 1-2 minutes and the apple logo appears then turns back on. This same process keeps happening over and over again. it was even hard trying to type this whole thing.I fixed it recently, the person had changed out the battery. It wasn’t the apple battery apparently though. Im not sure what to do, and it’s very annoying. I’ve done nothing to the phone and it just started, even when I dropped it once it didn’t happen until a month later. I’m not sure if this is connected to my other problem, where when I call or FaceTime someone I can hear them but they can’t hear me. What should I do?

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These sort of restarting unexpectedly issues can be a host of different things.

I would get to see if you’re getting any panic logs (it is a system log of a crash). Go into your settings and scroll to “Privacy” Open Analytics (& Improvements) and then open Alanytics Data. Scroll through the list and see if you’re getting files with “panic.full” in the title. If so, open them up and post the crash log (a screenshot, copy/paste a picture, etc…) of the first screen’s worth of text.

A faulty battery could cause this sort of issue, but so could any number of other things.

It could also be related to the Audio problem, depending on what the underlying cause of that is too.

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I noticed that there actually is a lot of those panic.full thingys, I’ll upload a picture on here. They’re all from 2023, there’s also panic.base

I’m not sure how to upload it tho, can u pls tell me how?

@kel99145 If you have pictures, you can just edit your original question and there will be a way to add pictures there. This way all the relevant information is consolidated in one spot.

Alright, I just uploaded them

@kel99145 Your panic log is showing an error with the mic1 sensor, which is on the charging port flex cable. Replacing that cable almost always fixes the problem.

iPhone 6 Lightning Connector Assembly Replacement

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Could of had a bad battery fitted or could be a board problem, possible power ic. Iphone 6's suffered from 'bendgate' where the phone would bend and crack or break joints on the board. I have a 6 that won't power on unless I press just above the sim tray. I'll reflow the chip one day, possibly.

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Yea, the person who fixed my phone had put in a fake battery and now I’ve got alerts saying that it doesn’t fit in right or smth like that. I’m gonna call them up and see if they can actually fix it, since I already payed for it. Hopefully that’ll stop it. If not, it’s probably something else like the motherboard or something.

@kel99145 Yeah, you shouldn't be getting battery warnings unless there's something wrong with the replacement battery. It happens occasionally, but in general I've had excellent luck with aftermarket batteries on these older model iPhones.

@kel99145 you shouldn't get alerts about the battery in a iphone 6 unless something is wrong. I've fitted hundreds of aftermarket batteries in 6's and never ever had anything come up on the screen. Very strange. Are you able to add a picture of the notification?

Yea, I’ll upload em

@strongbow I uploaded it

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