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The Samsung Galaxy A10s is an Android smartphone developed by Samsung Electronics, and was released in March of 2019.

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My screen is black and I need to backup my contacts

Please help it's urgent

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Hi @princeyada62073

With the phone turned on, try shining a flashlight at an angle close to the screen and check if you can detect any images at all on the screen.

They will be very faint if they are there so trying in a darkened room may help.

If there are images then there's a backlight problem with the display.

You could then with the aid of the flashlight navigate through the phone to either backup your contacts to the cloud or to a computer (see method #3).

If there are no images to be seen is the phone still working except for the display i.e. when you call the phone does it ring etc?

If it does it may be easier to replace the display

If it doesn't it will be very difficult and possibly expensive to retrieve your data.

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