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710 질문 전체 보기

Water damage, Replacing Capacitor

Doc1IThis area had water damage and I checked these capacitors for short. I am not sure how to find a replacement part for this capacitors.

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Any help would be appreciated.

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@labola looks like you got more going on here. You are also missing two caps

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Since there are no schematics out yet (at least that I have found) there are two things you could try and do. Get a capacitance meter and measure your existing caps. See what results you get. Not sure if your prior test test will be accurate with the capacitors missing.The only other thing would be to get a donor board and harvest those capacitors from it.

Of course, you can also try a datasheet and check the typical application data. Like this one from a Max8973, which is very similar to your PMIC. Check the caps out. As you can see, do not use anything less than 22µF 6.3 V You can go higher with both the voltage and capacitance but never lower.

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I can be wrong but the capacitors of this area and of this size are capacitor of 4.7uf,10v. for replace them you can probably found some capacitor on mouser or buy a donor board

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