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710 질문 전체 보기

Is there a way to fix a slightly bend slider rail on the tablet?

So the switch I have got a bit of a dent in the plastic since it got hit, and it messed up the top position of the right slider rail for the joy-con so I can't insert it there anymore, is there a way to fix it to position or melt the metal since I've tried fixing it with some pliers which didn't work by the way, so there's a way I can re-insert the joy con again without sending it for repair?

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Hi Deezero.

Unfortunately if bending it back into shape didn't work you will have to replace the rail.

the casing of the switch should be able to be bent back into shape.

you can get a new rail from Ifixit here

And a guide to replace it yourself can be found here.

Hope this helps

Nintendo Switch Right Joy-Con Sensor Rail 이미지


Nintendo Switch Right Joy-Con Sensor Rail


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Unfortunately this did not work for me(

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