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Repair or replace camera

The camera isn't working: can you repair or replace it?

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Hi @tomhave

Have you checked that it isn't a software issue?

If it is determined that it is a hardware problem, here's the hardware maintenance manual for the laptop.

Go to p.54 to view the procedure to remove the EDP cable, camera board, and microphone board.

There are 4 cameras that can be used in the laptop and they are all interchangeable with each other. It seems that they're just made by different manufacturers given their description in the parts list

The parts numbers are:

01HW045 (Camera,720P,Front,Slim,WTB,Bsn),

01HW046, (Camera,720P,Front,Slim,WTB,Azw)

01HW047 (Camera,720P,Front,Slim,WTB,AVC)

01HW044 (Camera,720P,Front, Slim,WTB,Chy)

Search online using the part number only to find suppliers that suit you best.

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