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Sony XBR-75X850E no clocking sound or any sound heard

i have same tv but no clocking sound or any sound heard

Sony XBR-75X850E

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@urcyly2xgmdygbl this will depend on what you have checked. First you want to go through your setup menu and make sure that all sound is enabled to the internal speaker.

After that remove EVERYTHING that is plugged into your TV, that does include cable box etc. Then unplug the TV and hold the power button depressed fo about a minute. Now reconnect one video source and then reconnect your AC power to the TV. Restart and see if that changed anything.

If there is not change you want to go ahead and check your diagnostic screen to see if the TV found any errors during POST. To display those errors do the following. In standby mode, press buttons on the remote commander sequentially in rapid
succession as shown below

DISPlAY==>Channel 5==>Volume - ==> TV Power

Check for any errors shown, take some pictures of those and post those with your Question. that way we can see what you see.

To exit the Self Diagnostic screen: If you want to finish service mode app, do AC OFF/ON

I expect a Audio amp I2C communication failure error if it is hardware related and since you aren't getting any Blink error. Let us know what you find

The more we see the greater your chance of getting it fixed. 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

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