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Apple의 Arm 기반 M1 SoC(8코어 CPU 및 최대 8코어 GPU 탑재)를 탑재한 최초의 13인치 MacBook Air에 대한 수리 안내서, 지원 및 문제 해결 정보입니다. 2020년 11월에 출시되었으며 모델 번호 A2337 또는 EMC 3598로 식별됩니다.

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Where is the hall sensor of MacBook Air M1?

My Mac can’t sleep when closing lid and I’m sure it’s hall sensor not working.

But I’m quite confused about where is it located precisely.

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There are 2. The first is located in the Right Speaker (it's under some foam), and the other is in the microphone assembly.

The pictures I used for the MacBook Air Black Screen troubleshooting page were taken from an M1 MacBook Air for reference.

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