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Repair guides and support for televisions manufactured by Sony.

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Single vertical white line one pixel width

I’m having the same problem on my Sony a80k bought almost 2 years ago. Not under warranty and geek squad came out and said it’s a bad panel and can’t be fixed.

Block Image

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My TV started with the same issue until it stopped working. I exchanged the Power Board and the TV started to work properly for a few weeks until the same problem started again: Vertical line in the screen until TV stopped working.

After a long discussion with Sony, they have accepted sending out a new TV.

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@shondawells well, they are not wrong but there is a temporary fix for it.

Your LCD driver boards are connected to the LCD panel via some really thin ribbon cables. Those cables are fastened to the LCD panel via a special process called Tape automated bonding or TAB. IF the TAB comes loose it stops making contact with the LCD screen and that is what leaves those lines.

If it is a single thin line, then take a really close look at those TAB connections and apply some gentle pressure on them. You will most likely see that the lines either change or disappear That is incredible difficult to fix but sometimes some downward pressure applied by some adhesive tape etc. can make them go away. For a while at least. If you have trouble identifying the ribbon and Tab just post some more images of what you see on the top of your LCD panel. It should look something like the images I attached.

Block Image

Block Image

Now yours is a pretty big panel and I am not sure how easy it is to get to the TAB. Once you have the back cover off, take lots of pictures of what you see and post them with your Question. That way we can see what you see and hopefully help you further.기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

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