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Screen keeps dimming for no reason.

I have a water damaged M62, with a cracked screen, but it works just fine; except that the screen dims, even if I have auto ajusting brightness off. Is there another layer of protection that ajusts the brightness?

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@khanyt how did you fix the water damage? What stops you from replacing the screen? Sounds like you may have an issue with the ambient light sensor.

1. The water damage only caused a minor issue.

2. M62 screens are way too expensive and way too fragile.

3. There is no way to turn that off?

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@khanyt it is always difficult to determine what ha failed on anything that had water damage, even minor damage, that was not readily addressed. A broken screen is never a good thing neither.. I do know the AMOLED screens are really expensive. The display is one the good thing about those phone. Anyhow try to dial ****#0589#*** to check the Light Sensor Test Mode. Let us know what it tells you. It does not look like you can turn it off, but you could try to restart your phone in safe mode and maybe that prevents that sensor to come on. See if that makes a difference.

Update (10/13/23)

@khanyt ok so I know exactly what you are saying and I promise I'll be out of your questions right after this. Anyway, iFixit for whatever reason does not let me post the proper number to dial for the Light sensor test. Let's see if this works. The code to dial is

Block Image

Or you can dial this code

Block Image

which will get you into the hardware diagnostic menu.

If that does not work, you may have to check a little deeper. Disassemble your phone and check the sensors according to Samsung's Flowchart

Block Image

Use this document Component Layout to determine where the components are that need to be tested

IF any of this seems to be a daunting task or if you don't have the tools to perform these tests, the best might be to do an online search for someone who performs board level repair in your region. BTW here are Samsung's instruction on how to place your phone into safe mode

I am not concerned about the difficulty to answer your question, so no worries. Ok, I am out. Best of luck with your repair!

= =

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I dialed the number, and it didn't work. Remember, I have Android 13 One UI 5.1, that can do a difference in the phone app. I don't know how to boot in safe mode, and I'm scared of bricking it. Also, you can seek easier questions to answer in my page if you want to. This is just way too hard to determine.

@khanyt "you can seek easier questions" Yep. got it.

Wait, are you being sarcastic?

I don't get it :|

@khanyt no, not at all. I understand that there are difficult to determine questions out there. No issues. It's difficult to narrow it down, but you got to start somewhere.

I though you was being sarcastic at the part you said:

"you can seek easier questions" Yep, got it.

If you want to find more questions, I have a question about my iPhone 4s.

And don't worry, I'm talkative and patient, you can talk to me as long as you wish.

After I leave the dial, the brightness gets ajusted.

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