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2009 LN40B630N1F smart TV power board problem with 2Fuses

It first blew the t 3.15ah so I put tin foil around it put it back in plugged it in and the second one blew with a loud pop the t 6.3 ah on the power board which was the BN 44-00264A

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@jamesclynch yep "I put tin foil around it" glad it did not catch fire. Anyhow. Make sure that you have the right fuses for the TV. Post a couple of good pictures with your Question so we can visually check your board. Use your multimeter and put it on ohm mode, then connect one lead to the fuse connector and the other to ground. See what resistance you get or if it is wide open. Sounds like one or more of your components is shortening out to ground.

Now, if you want to, you can check you power board by using the schematics BN44 00264 for it. Check around C1890/19891 and see what you got going on there. QP801 and and QP802 s are prime candidates for a short since I don't think it's your transformer.

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