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Club Car Golf Cart/클럽카 골프카트 브랜드의 이름을 따서 골프카 또는 클럽카라고 불리는 가스-구동 및 전기 골프 카트 지원.

495 질문 전체 보기

Golf cart acceleration issues

I inherited a 1997 electric ezgo txt cart. I am having issues with acceleration. I can feel the cart trying to move, but it will act as if it is in a limp mode. This happens in fwd and reverse. Occasionally, the power will kick in and the cart will accelerate just fine. It will sometimes slow down again after about 15 seconds of moving. The batteries are just over a year old, but the cart has not been operated much this year. I used a multimeter on the batteries after a complete charge. All batteries were showing 6.62. Not great, but I feel it should be enough to operate normally. Thanks for any advice.

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@stifler338 put a load on the batteries and see what voltage they show under load.

I will try that tomorrow. Thank you for the suggestion @oldturkey03

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@stifler338 if your batteries check out under load, I would check the accelerator next. Check the accelerator rod as well as the connections

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after that, time to check the direction selector and all the wiring.

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