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모델 A1419 / EMC 2806 / Late 2014 또는 Mid 2015. 3.3 또는 3.5 GHz Core i5 또는 4.0 GHz Core i7 (ID iMac15,1); EMC 2834 late 2015 / 3.3 또는 3.5 GHz Core i5 또는 4.0 GHz Core i7 (iMac17,1) 모두 Retina 5K 화면 장착

576 질문 전체 보기

Why is my screen black but fan and HD are running

My iMac was working but after shutting down and starting later the screen just stays black but the machine is running. have tried numerous options. pram reset, remove power, etc. but no success????

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How long have you let the iMac run? It’s possible it’s hung running an update.

Not the case as I shut the system down and only when I came to restart it did the problem make it self known.

@gavin89727 It’s less likely, but still not impossible that an update would process when you shutdown. It could have been pending for some time. Otherwise, I would see if you can connect it to an external monitor since it sounds like this may be an issue with your display.

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답변 1개

Lets see if the system is still running and the display has died on you. Take a flashlight and press it against the display glass at a sharp angle do you see the faint outlines of your desktop icons? If you do that tells us the displays backlight has failed, if not either the LCD display its self has failed or you have a deeper problem.

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Unfortunately nothing to see; I tried that already so must be more serious. But thank you.

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