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Club Car Golf Cart/클럽카 골프카트 브랜드의 이름을 따서 골프카 또는 클럽카라고 불리는 가스-구동 및 전기 골프 카트 지원.

495 질문 전체 보기

1993 club car ds speed issue

speed issue something wrong with one of the governor cables leads to the carb i need to figure out which cable

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Hi @kelseymancini09

Here's the 1994 Club Car DS maintenance and service manual that may help

Hopefully it is not to different to the 1993 model.

해당 답변은 도움이 되었습니까?

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It’s not showing the whole thing


Sorry about that I didn't check it all the way through only the index and the first and last sections

Maybe the parts list will help as it has diagrams showing all the parts.

There are electrical wiring diagrams on Sect.12-2 and Sect12-10

It helped I found the part I need

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