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Repair and disassembly information for Samsung's flagship S20+ Android smartphone, released in March of 2020.

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Front screen replacement kit

The front screen of the phone is cracked and the touch screen doesn't work, do you have a product to replace that and make the touch screen start working again?

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@prithvirajpatel for your phone the touch screen, the glass and the LCD are all "sandwiched" together to make this the display assembly. In your case, it is best to replace the complete Display assembly.

Look in the note of this guide Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus 스크린 교체 You'll find that "Some replacement screens for this phone come pre-installed in a new frame (a.k.a. chassis), which requires you to transplant all of your phone's internals and install a new battery. Make sure you have the correct part before starting this guide.

There is a significant chance that you may break the unreinforced and fragile display panel during this procedure."

It would be best to replace it with something like this Samsung Galaxy S20+ (USA) Screen and Battery - Genuine

Your phone uses an OLED screen and those are not cheap.

Samsung Galaxy S20+ (USA) Screen and Battery - Genuine 이미지


Samsung Galaxy S20+ (USA) Screen and Battery - Genuine


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