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Monitor is detected but no picture/OSD just backlight

Monitor model: HKC-M24G3F (https://www.hkc.com.ph/product/hkc-m24g3...)

Problem: No display, OSD, or any kind of picture just black screen with faint light that I assume is just the backlight. Connected it to my PC to see it still detected (I use 2 monitors and one is working fine, i can see that this broken one is detected) but there is no picture

Video of the problem: https://youtu.be/7RB87UgA6UI

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Hi @albertoimag

No images at all, including no OSD seems to suggest a problem with the mainboard in the monitor, unless there is also a tcon board in the monitor as well.

You may have to open it up and check if the cable connection between the mainboard and the display (or the mainboard - tcon board -display if there's a tcon board) is OK or if there's any obvious damage on the mainboard.

Looking online for parts for the monitor only found this one mainboard supplier which may help. You may have better luck finding other suppliers if you decide to replace it.

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