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Repair, disassembly, and troubleshooting information for the Steam Deck with LCD display, a handheld gaming console made by Valve, released on February 25, 2022. Identified by model number 1010.

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Where can I buy a ribbon connection lock?

The locking mechanism on the zif connector for the "action" ribbon broke off and I am unable to seat it back in, causing ABXY to not work. Its the black piece that just slides over the ribbon, mine seems to have broken on one side. If I could buy the piece It could easily be slotted back in, does anyone know who could be selling it? Sending it in for repair would cost be over 100$ and I don't feel like buying a used deck just for that little part.

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This person has the exact same issue, there's a pic for clarification. I've tried what was suggested in the post and it did not work either. https://www.reddit.com/r/ifixit/comments...

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You need to buy the whole connector and solder it on, the lock is part of the connector.

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I do not know how to solder unfortunately, I might just end up gluing the ribbon down. It's not ideal but I don't see myself messing around with the internal components or removing it again. I'm looking to buy an oled model at some point anyway.

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