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Nintendo DSi는 닌텐도 DS 라인의 세 번째 시리즈이며, 2008년 말 일본에서 첫 선을 보였습니다.

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Need a potential solution to take out stripped screws from the back

I'm currently opening up a Nintendo DSI, however I have been met with 4 stripped screws which prevent me from opening the handheld, what is the best way to get rid of stripped screws

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It could be very difficult to remove the screws without damaging the case, sometimes it's possible to use tweezers and/or picks to remove the screws though.

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@yahyaa84679 you could try something like the screw extractor set Precision Screw Extractor Set If that does not work and if you have a small rotary tool (Dremel) (or know someone that has one), you could drill the screw heads off and once you split the case, use a pair of pliers to remove the leftover part of the screws.

No matter what, it will be a PITA since there is never enough room and the plastic just seems to have a viselike grip on the screws, Just keep on trying and no, rubber band between teh screwdriver and the screwheads as well as crazy glue will most likely not work in situations like this.

Precision Screw Extractor Set 이미지


Precision Screw Extractor Set


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I don't know if you would have the tools to do this or not, but when I strip screws I always just take a chunk of 3d printed plastic and heat it with a lighter. Once its soft enough, I insert it into the hole and let it cool. Then just twist.

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