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Repair guides and support for Sony Walkman cassette players.

25 질문 전체 보기

Sports Walkman works, but the stop button isnt releasing the tape

I have a yellow Sony Sports Walkman (WM-F45) that has worked for a while (i have never had to do any repairs), but recently, a metal spring fell out and now the stop button would not raise the playing head and stop the cassette. So now I have to pull up on the play button while holding the stop button, and even half the time that does not work. I also misplaced the metal spring. How can I get my Walkman to stop tapes again?

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@lappy48614311 that will entirely depend on what this spring looks like. Yes, it is most likely related to your buttons. Use something like this online manual to work on your Walkman.

While you work on it, take lots of pictures. Once you are done with it, take those pictures and create a guide for iFixit. That will help the next person that has the same problem as you do. It's easy and fun to create these guides. https://ifixit.com/Guide/new The iFixit community will appreciate this.

Repair is War on Entropy!

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Well, after an hour of working, it finally works again! Thank you.

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