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19214 질문 전체 보기

I can’t install windows

I tried to factory reset my laptop and somehow I wiped out windows so I tried to install windows from usb key but it keep saying no devise found.

Please can someone help me fix it

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@ferfara what tells you no device found? Is that in reference to the USB drive? Your computer can't find it? What make and model is your computer? Have you checked your BIOS to see if the boot order has been set to USB drive? Have you made sure that you have a bootable USB cried? What have you checked and what have you tried?

Hi guys, thank you all for your amazing support and advice, unfortunately I don’t have any knowledge or experience in this field and that’s what got me here in first place, I’ve watched some videos in YouTube and tried to factory reset my laptop and now I’m stuck.

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@ferfara you are absolutely right. We are just throwing stuff at you that may not make any sense to you. I guess that is what we get for assuming people know what we are talking about. Anyhow, let's get past this. Try to reinstall Windows according to this excellent guide How to install Windows 11 on unsupported devices Do step by step. It will also work for other than Windows 11. If you are getting stuck with anything, come back and let us know.

We now know that you "don’t have any knowledge or experience in this field". That should not stop you form identifying your laptop for us. There should most likely be a label or something on he computer that tells you what make and model it is. It'll be a start for us to try and "talk" you through this.

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make sure your USB device with windows is bootable

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How did you make the Windows installer USB? I heard that it is a requirement to use Windows to make a Windows installer. You can use Rufus to make a bootable flash drive, but you can also use Microsoft's Media Creation Tool for Windows 10/11.

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Take your friend's computer and make a bootable USB of Windows with rufus and then set the USB to first place on boot in BIOS of your PC (watch a YouTube tutorial if necessary).

Make sure you are on correct Disk type MBR or GPT

all set!

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