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error code C00D124D

When ever i try to download music i get error code C00D124D on the computer however the Zune itself is frozen on 16% syncing. Theres still the flashing dots in the back round but it says at 16 %

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@willy10879 that is an update error but can also be a HDD error. You also want to try different USB ports and maybe even a different cable.

We do want to be careful so that you do not delete the files on your HDD, but you can try a recovery. To enter Recovery mode – Press and hold the power and media buttons for 15 seconds. The device reboots into Recovery mode (content is not erased, allows for firmware reinstall). This is a good option if you want to keep the content on your device, but reinstall the firmware. You may need additional software,. Check this video and download the files from here

If none of that works, you may have to consider replacing your HDD. Your Zune should come apart just like the Zune 80/120 Microsoft Zune 80 Hard Drive Replacement

All of this is a bit of a beast to work on. The drawback of working with legacy devices.

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