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모델 A1419 / Late 2013 / 3.2 & 3.4 GHz Core i5 또는 3.5 GHz Core i7 프로세서, ID iMac14,2

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How to load Mac OS on new SSD drive

How to reload Mac OS On new SSD drive

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The easiest way is using Internet recovery which is built in. But you can encounter issue’s if you are using a blade PCIe/NVMe SSD. As the macOS by default won’t be the needed version, this is where an external bootable OS installer drive can be better using a second Mac.

To install via Internet recovery How to reinstall macOS

To create a bootable OS installer, format a 32GB Thumb drive from a Mac to GUID and a Journaled fie system. Then copy to it the OS installer onto it from here How to download and install macOS then follow this guide to convert it Create a bootable installer for macOS

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