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Why is my laptop shutting down when I unplugged the charger

Idk what happened but my laptop is shutting down when I unplugged the charger

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Hi @bkplays9201

Seems as though there's a problem with the battery in the laptop.

Create a battery report to check the status of the battery.

When you have the report, compare the Design Capacity value versus the Full Charge Capacity value as seen in the report.

For a good battery they should be nearly the same value.

You can work out the condition of the battery as a percentage by using the formula Full Charge Capacity value x 100 ÷ Design Capacity value.

If the battery is <35% you may wish to consider replacing it.

Here's the maintenance and service guide, taken from this support webpage for the laptop.

Go to p.34 to view the procedure to remove/replace the battery in the laptop.

At the top of p.34 you will find the spare part numbers for the battery (one of these should be also printed on your battery). Search online for the part number only to find suppliers that suit you best.

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