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The Samsung Galaxy A73 is a feature-packed smartphone that offers a stunning display and a powerful camera system, providing users with a premium mobile experience for both work and play.

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Why is the hotspot does not have the range

if u r using hotspot other phones wont get any range atleast close to the phone

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It could be your antenna, how is your bluetooth connectivity range?

Is it the same of longer?

yes even the bluetooth is also same like hotspot


What's the phone's normal WiFi connection distance like e.g. when connecting to a WiFi router?

It should be further than BT as BT is only ~30' (10Metres) due to less power being used for BT even though they use the same antenna.

@jerohnjoshy is it giving a hotspot to someone else or someone giving you a hotspot

@hampter hotspot to someoneelse

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Hi @jerohnjoshy

Check if the antennas in the phone are securely connected.

Here's an image taken from this teardown video showing where to check.

Block Image

(click on image)

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