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Repair guides and support for many cameras in the Coolpix line by Nikon.

713 질문 전체 보기

Coolpix L5 and the screen works perfectly but every time I try to tak

I have a Coolpix L5 and the screen works perfectly but every time I try to take a photo the screen turns black , what can I do?

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Hi @ilariaimperiale

Are the pictures OK when you download them and view them on a computer?

Does the screen stay black or do you have to restart the camera?

What happens after you take the picture?

Hello, the camera doesn't take the pictures the screen just gets black

So for example it shows the menu the settings and everything sometimes even shows the screen with camera but then I press the button and gets black

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가장 유용한 답변

Hi @ilariaimperiale

Have you checked that the batteries are fully charged or even tried new ones?

It sounds like a loose CCD image sensor connection to the motherboard but also perhaps the connection from the motherboard to the screen so it may be a motherboard problem that is affecting both.

You would have to open the camera and check if anything obvious is amiss.

Here's a link to the service manual that may help.

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Yes the batteries are fully charged. I'll open the camera thank you very much.

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