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screen replacement for ideacentre aio 520-22icb

I have a lenovo ideacentre aio 520-22icb i ended up cracking the screen while trying to upgrade my ram but the problem i ram into is finding the touch screen for it so i could replace it do you guys have any ideas where i can find one for it.

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Hi @chrispoole12117

The display panel comes as a complete module assembly consisting of the LCD panel and the touchscreen panel i.e. not two separately removable/replaceable components.

Here's the hardware maintenance manual for the AIO.

Go to p.56 to view the procedure to remove/replace the LCD panel module.

Search online for 01AG987 (or 01AG923 - equivalent substitute panel) to find suppliers that suit you best. - (suppliers examples only)

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the removal part is not the issue its finding the replacement screen thats the problem i dont know where i can find one.


There is no separate digitizer panel or at least the manufacturer doesn't list one. They only list 4 LCD panels for your AIO model i.e. 2 with touchscreens and 2 without

As shown above, search for the part numbers to find suppliers for the LCD+digitizer panel.

If there is a separately removable digitizer panel then check for the part number on the panel itself (if there is one) and then search for that.

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