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The Pontiac Grand Am is a mid-size size (and later compact) car produced by Pontiac. The 1999-2005 generation is the final generation of the Pontiac Grand Am.

151 질문 전체 보기

My engine and whole car shakes

I have a 1999 pontiac grand Am. My engine and whole car shakes and vibrates when started and at slower speeds. I don't notice it when I get to 40mph.

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Any ideas? Rebuilt engine with apps 14k...

Am I sol?

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First thing I'd check for would be broken motor mount(s). This may or may not be obvious with the engine not running. If you can check them with the engine running, you might be able to tell. Or, you could jack up the engine just a little near each mount to see if they separate. Good luck.

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@margaretde57016 have your OBDII port scanned. Because of this "whole car shakes and vibrates when started" I suggest that this could be an issues with the airflow, fuel mixture or ignition modules. Take a look at your spark plugs. See how efficient you burn your fuel.

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Margaret Debbie Rinkel 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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