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Repair guides and troubleshooting for the HP Compaq DC7500, a business class desktop computer introduced in 2007.

31 질문 전체 보기

When I turn on my pc it gets turned on at once but...

But after turning on it gets restarts on its own and keeps on restarting when Starting windows logo Appear

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Accessing Advanced Start‐up when PC isn't loading:

If your device isn't loading or stuck during boot, you can use this method to access the recovery environment:

  1. Turn on your PC.
  2. As soon as the Windows logo appears on your screen, press the power button to turn off computer.
  3. Repeat steps 1 or 2 two more times.

After the third interruption, Windows 10 will open into the Advanced Start‐up environment

While in the Advanced start‐up environment, use the following steps to use Start‐up Repair:

  1. Click the Troubleshoot button.
  2. Click the Advanced options button.
  3. Click the “Start‐up Repair” button.
  4. Select your account.
  5. Type your account password.
  6. Click the Continue button.

If the above doesn’t help do the same as above but this time select “System Restore” from the “Advanced Options?”

Or from an installation disk/flash drive

  1. Boot from the the installation media for the installed version of Windows.
  2. On the Install Windows screen, select Next > Repair your computer.
  3. On the Choose an option screen, select Troubleshoot.
  4. On the Advanced options screen, select Startup Repair.

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