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Why does my sound turn off completly when I reduce it?

evertime i reduce my sound after few hours the sound compley shut down and i requres me to restart my laptop over and over again

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@lavarselavarse let us know what model your laptop is. Since it happens "after few hours" you may have issues with the driver for the audio or you may have a mechanical issue with the audio components. Take your headphones and listen to see if you still have sound through those. If so, I would focus on the speakers.

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@oldturkey03 the pc is a 64-bit operating system , x64 based processor . The headphones can still work even if the sound is shut off

@lavarselavarse i was looking for a bad audio IC that fails after some time

@oldturkey03 yes it is like that . Any advice on how to fix it ?

@lavarselavarse not without knowing the exact model and trying to figure out the motherboard

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