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The Nokia 6300 supports MicroSD cards up to 2 GB meaning that the phone can be used practically as an MP3 player.

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whats its mean when my phone says check info service

it keeps on flashing up "check info service"!!!!! what's that mean?

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Why i can't enter my Google verification code after signing in?

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가장 유용한 답변

nick, try turning off cell broadcast in Message settings and topic detection. If you have your cell broadcast reception turned on you might see this message when the phone loses the network and finds it again later. Hope this helps, good luck.

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Go Menu->Messaging->Message settings->Service messages and choose OFF ...

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Is feature is use by cnb . If you doing selling drugs beware they not only will know the transaction what time those conversations are also recorded those bookis for online Gambling . Got luck

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Neither answered the question.

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this did/does not provide an answer

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I do not know ow to check the info service

I have paid you £15 the last month which means also for January

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nick 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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