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  1. iMac Pro拆解, iMac Pro拆解: 1 단계, 이미지 1/2 iMac Pro拆解, iMac Pro拆解: 1 단계, 이미지 2/2
    • 我们所拆解的“入门版”iMac Pro的规格:

    • 8核心,3.2GHz英特尔(Intel Xeon) W 处理器,睿频最高4.2GHz

    • 32 GB(4 X 8 GB)2666 MHz DDR4 ECC服务器内存

    • AMD Radeon Pro Vega 56 GPU 并带有8 GB HBM2显存

    • 27 英寸,5120 x 2880 像素分辨率,支持十亿色彩与广色域 (P3)的视网膜 5K 屏幕

    • 1TB SSD

    • 如果你有13,000美元或更多,你可以等几个星期来拿到配置18核心的顶配版本。

    • 我们准备以研究为由牺牲这个设备来获取拆解信息,但···我们希望还是别让这个设备报废,祈祷,它会变回拆解前一样。

  2. iMac Pro拆解: 2 단계, 이미지 1/2 iMac Pro拆解: 2 단계, 이미지 2/2
    • 我们难以掩饰自己的贼开心和兴奋,开箱了这些深空灰设备——妙控鼠标、妙控键盘以及····呼~

    • .......一条黑色的Lighting数据线

    • 在从短暂的休克中恢复、眺望远处后,我们继续我们的拆解

    • 奇怪的是,iMac Pro并不能让你使用iPhone 7,8或是X中获得的Lighting接口的EarPods (似乎是缺少了加密协议),这很难想象是来自于苹果的设备。

    • 让我们撕开iMac Pro奢华的保护包装,检查下接口的情况...仅仅是确定一下。

    Every iPhone has an adapter for that headphone jack right there on the back where it always was.

    Devin - 답글

    Not so, Devin. That adaptor is to plug regular headphones into an iPhone, not Lighting EarPods into a Mac, for example.

    steve strike -

    Don’t be the person using plug in, free EarPods on a $5000+ computer.

    Frank Reedy - 답글

  3. iMac Pro拆解: 3 단계, 이미지 1/3 iMac Pro拆解: 3 단계, 이미지 2/3 iMac Pro拆解: 3 단계, 이미지 3/3

    Hmm. Must be DDR6.

    George A. - 답글

    George it’s been stated: “Apple is using standard 288-pin DDR4 ECC RAM sticks”

    Dan - 답글

    Humor is appreciated, but sometimes not recognized…

    Another Guest - 답글

    Dan and George, I’m almost certain it’s DDR7. Apple would never be caught with something as outdated as DDR6 in a high-end machine like this.

    Ben Lambert - 답글

    If anyone happens to look back at these comments in about 2040 when DDR6/7 SDRAM is a brand-new thing, you guys are going to have them very confused.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    Curious about the 3.5mm jack, does it have optical support? Or can it be replaced with one that does? :)

    Derek Halman - 답글

  4. iMac Pro拆解: 4 단계, 이미지 1/3 iMac Pro拆解: 4 단계, 이미지 2/3 iMac Pro拆解: 4 단계, 이미지 3/3
    • 我们猜想iMac Pro的拆解过程应该与iMac 5K相似,也就是说,只要你拥有一把披萨刀,你就能拆解iMac Pro

    • 当玻璃面板被卸下,我们拥有了一个完美的iMac Pro内部视角。你说,它是不是很适合拿来当作壁纸呢?

    “Say, wouldn't this make a lovely wallpaper for someone?” - so where is the 5120x2880 image that is just what is behind the glass? You know we want it!

    Steve R - 답글

    It’s on my iMac Pro. Right after this guide was published, I spent a lot of time carefully sizing the image and cropping it to make it “just right” — and it’s awesome. The iFixit team is welcome to contact me and I’ll gladly provide them a copy to redistribute (since I’m not the copyright holder on the image).

    Sissy Princess - 답글

  5. iMac Pro拆解: 5 단계, 이미지 1/3 iMac Pro拆解: 5 단계, 이미지 2/3 iMac Pro拆解: 5 단계, 이미지 3/3
    • 第一个拆解出来的设备是巨大的双风扇散热系统

    • 看起来苹果放弃了在5K中出现的全尺寸桌面级机械硬盘(当然,在这种旗舰级设备你应该也不会需要它)来为这个系统腾出空间

    • 为此也牺牲了从外部更换内存的可能,不开心···

    • 对等的,我们得到了背部超大的散热口以及80%的散热性能提升

    Compared to a Tower-Workstation the cooling solution is tiny for a 120-140 W TDP Xeon and a 175W Vega 56 PRO ?!

    Animarkzero ‍ ‎‎ - 답글

    One of the challenges here is that the very very tiny and supremely delicate wire connectors are super easy to damage. Terrible design. Not something I would ever try again.

    heywardjr - 답글

    You completely skipped how to remove the super small iSight camera connector from the main board. I have never even seen one of these before and have no clue how to remove, still looking on internet.

    Stephen Mull - 답글

    This is the teardown not a repair guide

    Duck -

  6. iMac Pro拆解: 6 단계, 이미지 1/3 iMac Pro拆解: 6 단계, 이미지 2/3 iMac Pro拆解: 6 단계, 이미지 3/3
    • AirPort模块被整合在了主板上——出于某些未知原因,苹果从5K版本开始取消了AirPort的模块化设计。而如今我们能遇见这个用于电缆连接的新夹片

    • 电源通过四条电缆连接至主板,并由星型螺丝固定

    • 这个设计更接近于我们在2013版Mac Pro中见到的,而不是iMac 5K中的设计

    • 这也让拆解主板更加简单了(除了内存)。当电源连接断开,我们便可将主板拿出。

    At least the coax connectors won’t pop off ;-} Not that they tended to do so this is over kill.

    Dan - 답글

    @sam - Could use a second image showing the other two PS connections to the logic board.

    Dan - 답글

    Those other two are easy to slide out.

    heywardjr - 답글

    There are quite a few screws to remove to get the motherboard out. Getting the board out means tilting it to the right as you gentlybslide it out. It tough as the usb and thunderbolt ports are right there. I ended up damaging the ethernet port doing this piece. Would never do this again! I highly recommend not doing this upgrade yourself. I had to take the unit back to the reseller and get it repaired under the $129 extra I paid for accidental damage. This operation completely voids the Apple warranty according to the reseller because you remove the motherboard they will know because of the non Apple ram.

    heywardjr - 답글

  7. iMac Pro拆解: 7 단계, 이미지 1/3 iMac Pro拆解: 7 단계, 이미지 2/3 iMac Pro拆解: 7 단계, 이미지 3/3
    • 随着主板拆出,第一个需要检查的便是内存

    • 这是必须的过程:相对于过去27英寸的iMac背板更换内存相比,iMac Pro更换内存的方式更困难

    • 话虽如此,我们也有个好处:其所使用的是标准288针的DDR4 ECC服务器内存

    • 海力士(SKhynix) H5AN8G8NAFR-VKC 2,666 MHz DDR4

    • 浪费一点时间来测试下一个小升级:32 GB内存版本能否升级至128 GB内存?

    • 在快速操作之后我们更换上128 GB内存,结果是壮观的,如果你想在家中自行升级,你可以来看看这个内存升级套件

    Any idea what the far right RAM module black label (shield) is for? It doesn’t look like it offers much as its not tied to chassis ground.

    Dan - 답글

    Heatpipes are on TOP! of thermal block? Half the pipe is cooling the air instead of the processor?!

    Are Apple Engineers mildly stupid or did they have other problems or was this the cheapest solution?

    If you take a look at any good custom CPU-cooler the heat-pipes are touching the Heatspreader directly for a reason.

    Animarkzero ‍ ‎‎ - 답글

    @Animarkzero Noctua uses the same arrangement in its high-end air coolers - heat pipes on top of thermal block.

    Anton Akusok - 답글

  8. iMac Pro拆解: 8 단계, 이미지 1/3 iMac Pro拆解: 8 단계, 이미지 2/3 iMac Pro拆解: 8 단계, 이미지 3/3
    • 回到我们的工作上:接下来我们该拆出这个双固态硬盘了

    • 在两张螺丝保护贴纸下,我们找到了星型螺丝,拆掉他们!

    • 每片闪存均采用 Apple EMC 3197,型号 656-0061A。

    • 屏蔽罩去掉后,可以看到如下芯片:

    • 闪迪(SanDisk)SDRQF8DC8-128G (每张SSD带有4个相同芯片,两个位于上部,两个位于下部,提供总共512 GB X 2 = 1024 GB的存储空间)

    • Apple 338S00285 电源管理芯片(可能是)

    • 与板载控制器的标准SSD不同,这些原始闪存模块只有一个接口缓冲区,PCIe / NVMe控制器位于其他位置。 关于这一点,会在之后详细叙述。

    Of course, since there is no SSD controller (see below), you can’t really call these “NVMe SSSDs”. They are flash storage devices, but they only form an “SSD” when connected to the controller, which is part of the T2. And that PCIe bus (assuming it is PCIe), is carrying data between the flash chips and the SSD controller, which means it is definitely not NVMe.

    Looks like this is a new and unique Apple-designed flash memory storage system.

    But one where upgrades could theoretically cost a bit less than normal, since replacement flash boards won’t require SSD controllers (assuming that custom Apple chip isn’t too horribly expensive to reverse engineer, of course).

    shamino - 답글

    Yes, not a NVMe/PCIe SSD drive! Just the raw flash chips in a frame. The data width is kinda narrow as well…

    Still a very different design than the Function Key MacBook 13” SSD https://d3nevzfk7ii3be.cloudfront.net/ig... It’s design appeared to be a wider PCIe bus (x8).

    So the question is how wide is the I/O here as that will be the limitation of how big the flash unit could be besides the limitation in the physical size. Why would Apple go with such a small footprint unit? At least make the space larger so in the future a larger unit could be put in. There’s doesn’t appear to be space to put a larger unit in

    Dan - 답글

    Here’s an example of a similar device “Linus TechTips: DIY SSD made of SD Cards!”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3frnBoqq...

    Here it’s using SD cards with a SATA controller. In the case of Apple they are using a PCIe interface via the T2

    Dan - 답글

    To gain speed beyond what other NVMe/PCIe SSD’s can offer, Apple interleaves across the two flash modules. Think how RAM is interleaved https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interleave... Apple is using the same technique here.

    Dan - 답글

    Any idea if that flash is MLC or TLC?

    Anton Akusok - 답글

  9. iMac Pro拆解: 9 단계, 이미지 1/3 iMac Pro拆解: 9 단계, 이미지 2/3 iMac Pro拆解: 9 단계, 이미지 3/3
    • 你想知道在这个巨大散热系统之下有什么东西吗?我们也想知道。在卸下一些星型螺丝及其弹簧之后,我们便有了答案:

    • 一颗GPU芯片,只可惜被BGA封焊在了主板上,一颗工作站级别的志强处理器——封焊于主板上

    • 现在谈及这颗CPU的可升级性还为时尚早——这颗CPU似乎是英特尔为苹果所定制的。但其升级还是有可能性的

    • 如果你这台5000+美元的工作站能单独升级而不是全更换不是更好吗?

    Need safety glasses to protect your eyes from the flung screws ;-} Don’t loose them!

    Dan - 답글

    What socket type is the Xeon CPU? Does it have an integrated heat spreader?

    Jeremy Agostino - 답글

  10. iMac Pro拆解: 10 단계, 이미지 1/2 iMac Pro拆解: 10 단계, 이미지 2/2
    • 我们已经清空了主板,是时候来捋一捋这些芯片了

    • 英特尔至强(Intel Xeon)W-2140B(Skylake架构,14 nm制作工艺——像是为了能控制住温度而设计的W-2145的低频版), 3.2 GHz主频,可睿频至4.2 GHz,带有LGA 2066的CPU插槽

    • AMD S5J68 1747 GPEW0333S3 SS63HBN181747US40104 Radeon Pro Vega 56 GPU带有8 GB的HBM2内存(内封装)

    • Intel X723D733 E1 05780(SR3PV?)可能是平台控制芯片

    • AQUANTIA AQtion AQC107-B1-C PCIe 10Gb 以太网控制器

    • Pericom Semiconductors PI3PCIE3412AZHE PCIE 3.0 差动开关

    • Apple/Universal Scientific Industrial (USI) 339S00428 00012021 Wi-Fi/蓝牙模块

    • 创惟科技(Genesys Logic)GL3227A SD 4.0 存储卡控制器,以及德州仪器(Texas Instruments)LP8565A13 (可能是LED背光控制器)

    The Platform controller hub- if it’s the same one as other LGA2066 motherboards- I would be willing to try another LGA2066 processor if everything else checked out. Luckily I use PC which is fully upgradable.

    George A. - 답글

    Someone can use the board to built a super laptop. It has everything on 2 pcb. It is not even that big.

    Vic Lau - 답글

    ooh nice, is there a photo with the RAM and CPU populated?

    (okay maybe not the CPU, that one’s easy to photoshop in)

    srnblu - 답글

    FoxCon assemblers are over doing the thermal paste on the GPU’s! Getting it all over the caps! I hope it’s not conductive paste!

    Dan - 답글

    Dan- all GPUs have way more thermal compound than needed because they don’t have an integrated heat spreader like the xeon shown earlier. It helps to cool them and conductive thermal compound isn’t used.

    Calvin H -

    An interesting question here related to T2 and the SSDs is why they have the Pericom PCIe mux. It seems from the earlier section that the SSD assemblies are raw flash enclosures, or perhaps at most a custom Apple chip doing Toggle to Flash and PCIe out to the T2. One possibility is that the mux allows for one SSD slot to be unpopulated— if it is empty, the mux configues 2x the PCIe lanes to the T2 from the one populated slot. Another possibility is that mux can re-route the SSDs to the Intel PCH bypassing the T2 under some circumstances. It would be interesting to follow the traces and get the block diagram of the PCH, T2, Pericom mux, and SSDs.

    Mike Shapiro - 답글

    Mike, The Pericom PCIe switch is more likely for the USB-C ports

    Dan -

    imac pro 不是万兆网卡么 千兆芯片什么鬼

    张良春 - 답글

    原文为PCIe to multi-gigabit ethernet controller,更正为PCIe至多千兆位以太网控制器。感谢指正!

    Charles Wang -

    is the chipset c422?

    Aida Delmiro - 답글

    The coin battery in this model is a BR2450A

    Dan - 답글

  11. iMac Pro拆解: 11 단계, 이미지 1/2 iMac Pro拆解: 11 단계, 이미지 2/2
    • 背面:

    • Cirrus Logic CS42L63 音频/数字模拟转换器模块

    • 3x 英飞凌(Infineon)(之前的Primarion) PXE1110CDM以及一个Primarion PXE1610CDN 多相数字控制器

    • 两个英特尔(Intel) JHL6540 雷电3接口控制器

    • 美国国际整流器公司(International Rectifiers) IR35217 功率级控制器

    • 旺宏电子(Macronix MXIC) MX25L4006EZNI CMOS(互补金属氧化物半导体)串列式快闪记忆体

    • 恩智浦(NXP) L6524 I/O扩展器

    • 4x 德州仪器(Texas Instruments) TAS5764L 音频放大器

    Should be Cirrus Logic CS42L83 audio/DAC

    Sean Davis - 답글

    How about an explanation for what a `PXE1110CDM 1YUS7Q84 H1746 8F4 PMC005` is?

    michaelmiller - 답글

    It is the “Digital DC-DC Multiphase Controller” solution from infineon.


    JJ Wu -

    What is the silkscreen marking on the 2 devices (speaker drivers) at the bottom left corner of the PCB?

    Bito Zapata - 답글

  12. iMac Pro拆解: 12 단계, 이미지 1/2 iMac Pro拆解: 12 단계, 이미지 2/2
    • 最后,在SSD卡槽附近,我们看到了两个苹果定制芯片:

    • Apple T2 339S00467封装海力士(SK Hynix)H9HKNNNBRUMUVR-NLH LPDDR4内存

    • Apple 338S00268——这颗芯片有点神秘。最初我们认为它是在iPhone 7上第一次出现的A10 Fusion 处理器,但其封装大小实在是太小了(每边约7.4毫米)。故而我们猜测:这是个Apple/Dialog Semi电源控制IC芯片

    • 作为在2016版带Touch Bar的MacBook Pro发现的T1芯片继承者,T2的功能则是作为系统管理控制器,处理来自于摄像头、音频控制器、SSD控制器、Secure Enclave模块以及一个硬件加密处理器的数据

    • 如果你需要自行维修iMac Pro,这些附加的安全措施将会是非常头疼的事

    I believe it to be an i/o bus.

    Antonio Corcella - 답글

    Shouldn’t the T2 be what was rumored as A10 (iBridge)?

    MrUNIMOG - 답글

  13. iMac Pro拆解: 13 단계, 이미지 1/3 iMac Pro拆解: 13 단계, 이미지 2/3 iMac Pro拆解: 13 단계, 이미지 3/3
    • 当拿出了主板后,我们便可拿出电源

    • 这是一个由康舒科技(AcBel Polytech Inc.,)组装的电源,其支持100-240V交流电,并带有一些芯片

    • 意法半导体(STMicroelectronics) STD4N80K5 3 A N沟道MOSFET

    • 意法半导体(STMicroelectronics) L6599A 高压谐振控制器

    • 安森美(ON Semiconductor )NCP1336B 电流模式控制器

    • 达尔科技(Diodes Incorporated) AP4310A 带电压基准的双运算放大器

    • 安森美(ON Semiconductor ) NCP1631 两相功率因数控制器

    • 达尔科技(Diodes Incorporated)AP2125K-4.2TRG1 300 mA LDO 稳压器

    The unit has two power feeds one is clearly marked as 12Volts Is the other also 12Volts?

    Dan - 답글

    You guys should let people know not to touch the circuitry of the AC/DC PSU. There is danger in touching certain parts of the internals of PC AC/DC PSUs, even if the PSU has been left alone for a long time the capacitors could still be holding charge. Not only are you showing people how to access the PSU, but you aren’t letting them know to be extremely cautious about handling it.

    Steve - 답글

    You’re right about the dangers, and as stated in the banner at the top, this isn’t meant to be used as a guide. There are no instructions here and hence no guidance on what to do or not do. iFixit teardowns are a first look at the hardware and construction highlights, nothing more.

    Jeff Suovanen -

  14. iMac Pro拆解: 14 단계, 이미지 1/2 iMac Pro拆解: 14 단계, 이미지 2/2
    • 现在这台iMac的框架显得有点冷清,但其中依旧有部件未被拆除:增强型立体声扬声器

    • 早期报告表明这款扬声器被夸大宣传:但它们是你能在Mac系列中找到的最好的扬声器

    • 除非(我们的假设)你将其与HomePod相组合使用——届时我们将能获得更高一级的体验。但在HomePod正式推出前我们并不能知其效果。(说起来,这个音箱有点像Mac Pro,这是巧合吗?)

  15. iMac Pro拆解: 15 단계, 이미지 1/3 iMac Pro拆解: 15 단계, 이미지 2/3 iMac Pro拆解: 15 단계, 이미지 3/3
    이 단계에 사용된 도구:
    Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits
    • 我们已经探索了机壳部分,已经没有什么东西剩余了——除了那个非常棒的支持显示器的弹簧加载铰链机构。

    • 如果你选择购买苹果的VESA安装适配器套件,你将会沉迷于这个罕见的苹果认可iMac Pro被拆卸的时刻:将卡插入后部以释放弹簧,揭开固定支架的一排Torx螺丝钉。

    • 这可能是仅有的一次苹果会卖给你一把螺丝刀然后告诉你使用它。

    • 当然了,如果你此刻在阅读这篇文章,这可是个充分准备好修理它的好机会。

    The older 2011 iMac design foot is back!! Thank You Apple!!

    Now people can pack their systems in a much smaller hard case when they need to travel with it! Or change their mind between the foot and a VESA mount going either way!

    Dan - 답글

    Can you use that adapter for an iMac 21.5” (2017) too?

    Alfred Hansen - 답글

    Sorry Guy the hinge part is internal which would need to be replaced to the other version.

    Dan -

    I wonder if you can order this spring mechanism as a replacement part and put it into a normal 5k 27” iMac

    magnuskleditzsch - 답글

    Knowing Apple I doubt it mechanically fits! We’ll need wait until we see the parts listing for the system

    FYI: The current foot/VESA mounts for the 21.5 or 27” Thin Mac’s are dedicated. They are not user interchangeable like the iMac Pro!

    Dan -

  16. iMac Pro拆解: 16 단계, 이미지 1/3 iMac Pro拆解: 16 단계, 이미지 2/3 iMac Pro拆解: 16 단계, 이미지 3/3
    • 是时候仔细看看这块显示屏了。可以发现这块显示屏使用了和iMac 5K同样的面板:LG显示屏,型号LM270QQ1

    • 这说明,排线布局和摄像头被移动了——所以你不能在各个型号间随意互换屏幕。

    • 我们沿着底部剥去长条状的屏蔽罩以把芯片显露出来:

    • 德州仪器/Texas Instruments NH245 8位双电源总线收发器

    • 德州仪器/Texas Instruments BUF16821可编程伽马电压发生器和Vcom校准器

    • 谱瑞科技/Parade Technologies DP665 LCD定时控制器

    • 德州仪器/Texas Instruments TPS543203A同步降压SWIFT™转换器

    • 德州仪器/Texas Instruments TPS65168高分辨率完全可编程LCD偏置IC

  17. iMac Pro拆解: 17 단계, 이미지 1/1
    • 拆解到此结束。是时候把这台怪兽用热熔胶组装回去,然后看看它作为一个游戏平台的价格。

    • 如果你想知道:是的,它装回去后能正常工作。 我们很快就会为你提供一步一步的升级指导!

  18. 최종 결론
    • 内存和CPU都是模块化的,意味着维修和升级是一回事儿——不管苹果咋说。
    • 双SSD也是模块化的,但是这是苹果定制的,要更换很麻烦。
    • 分离胶带以打开iMac并非难事(要使用合适的工具),但胶带必须在你完成每一次修理之后更换。
    • 关键的可更换部件藏在逻辑板的后面,需要大量的拆卸步骤才能看见。
    • 与27寸iMac 5K相比,外置内存舱盖的消失使得升级更加具有挑战性。
    • GPU采用BGA焊接在主板上——这可能是“专业”工作站的主要缺点。 简单的图形升级是不可能的,所以要明智地选择你的配置。
    수리 용이성 점수
    수리 용이성 10점 중 3점
    (10은 가장 쉬운 수리를 뜻합니다)

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댓글 101개

OOH FIRST COMMENT! either way, Apples getting closer and closer to the point where a mac will literally be one single part that will not be modular in any way. Apple says they save the environment as much as possible while sweeping the fact that they make their machines as hard to fix as possible under the carpet.

Aiden - 답글

Wow you got here first!

Padraic Hoselton -

Apple bounces back and forth between more and less modularity with most new architectures. Claiming that there is some obvious trend here is silly and baseless.

Mark -

This comment aged like fine wine with the launch of the M1-based iMacs.

Ethan Zuo -

Liquid cooling? SSD in RAID 0?

Peter Gamble - 답글

It’s one SSD controller on two sticks of dumb NAND, no need for a RAID.

tipoo -

Liquid cooling requires a quite grand radiator/pump ! So NO this wont be possible in this very tightly packed overheated ALL-IN-ONE-MAC(PC)!

Animarkzero ‍ ‎‎ -

What does the SSD shows at “Apple - About This Mac - System Report - Hardware - Storage?

Peter Gamble - 답글

The SSDs are hardware-encrypted by the T2. If the drive(s) are removed, the data is unreadable.

TheIronGiant - 답글

The modules are just Raw Flash it’s not a real SSD

Dan -

@Peter Gamble, probably a special controller on those things, because they didn’t find a controller for the SSD’s on the logic board.

“Conspicuously absent here is any sign of an SSD controller. More on that in a minute. “

“ The successor to the T1 chip introduced in 2016's MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, the T2 is tasked here with all the functions of the SMC, image signal processing for the camera, audio control, and SSD controller, and Secure Enclave, and a hardware encryption engine. Whew! “

Meaning that the T1 is controlling how the SSD’s send and receive data and the SSD’s are designed to work with the T1. Mind you that the T1 is an arm based co processor (if I’m not mistaken). They’ll probably do some testing but I would bet that they are not being controlled by an AHCI spec.

Nathan Lanier - 답글

No iMac Pros were harmed in the making of this teardown. :)

Gigabit87898 - 답글

I will wait for Mac Pro to come out before I pull the trigger on any of these beasts.

Rae - 답글

First teardown 2018! iFixit Lives!

George A. - 답글

Each stick of NAND not having an SSD controller validates what I was thinking. Since the T2 houses the SSD controller, calling this a RAID isn't quite right, since each drive doesn't have a controller, it's just one controller looking in two places.

tipoo - 답글

Think of it more like a bank of RAM. Each operation is bounced between the two modules (inter-leaved)

Dan -

The DIMMs (PC4-2666V-RD1-11) are not DDR4 ECC (Unbufferd) RAM, but DDR4 ECC-Registered ones.

M_Isobe - 답글

Correct! I think George was joking.

Dan -

Beautiful Teardown.

Tim Asp - 답글

I really want a iMac Pro but 21” Screen.

K Sec - 답글

“It’s one SSD controller on two sticks of dumb NAND, no need for a RAID”.

Really? Do you mean that the iMac Pro has 2.8 GB/s read & 3.3 GB/s write without RAID 0? Why not use then a single SSD blade-stick instead if two?

Peter Gamble - 답글

Think of it more like a bank of RAM. Each operation is bounced between the two modules (inter-leaved)

Dan -

Shouldn’t be much of a surprise that there’s no need for Raid 0 since standard iMac and MacBook Pro have similar Flash speeds also with a single SSD.


dgramatzki - The speed is much faster for both read & write on the iMac Pro’s SSD setup than what the MacBook Pro’s offer.

Dan -

Is the SSD encryption mandatory? Can it be turned off or disabled? Thanks.

Peter Gamble - 답글

Is the SSD paired to logic board? If the logic board fails, can the data in SSD be recovered? Thanks.

Peter Gamble - 답글

Is it possible to run Windows 10 via Bootcamp on it?

Hjalti á Lava - 답글

Don’t see why not!

Liam Powell -


Maybe instead of teardown the whole iMac it would be easier to cut holes in the back around RAM?

Jaromir Kopp - 답글

I hope you’re kidding!

Dan -

Himm no A10 ARM CPU? Where the rumors false?

Skater Stimm - 답글

No iPhone APU, but the T2 chip does have a micro-controller (SMC) and also deals with encryption both functions could be run on an ARM based solution.

Dan -

The T2 might have some similarities to the A10, just as the T1 had to the Apple Watch SiPs. Perhaps that’s where the rumors came from.


It is so beautiful …Just black, from motherboard to RAM,from fans to speaker

iliya - 답글

Try to repair on a Black PCB….. nice eyestrain!

Animarkzero ‍ ‎‎ -

“With all that glass out of the way, we have a perfect view of the iMac Pro's pristine interior. Say, wouldn't this make a lovely wallpaper for someone?”

So do you have this pic in 5k? Or hopefully bigger to be able to crop it to 1:1.

ymppa - 답글

2 things. First off, did you guys really not think to try and replace the CPU with a standard Xeon part? Second, has anyone documented the installation of the VESA mount?

Andrew spoelstra - 답글

If you look at the VESA mount instructions that came with the Apple VESA mount for the iMac 27” 2011 its the exact same part! Apple was roasted on switching out to a fixed foot or fixed VESA mount. It took awhile!

But, I’m thinking if people really need it, one could upgrade their older 27” 2012 > 2017 models using the same parts this model has as it looks like the same mount points. Will need to double check to be sure,

Dan -

Really nothing is “Pro” in this design. Apple learned nothing. They want to continue to sell their super proprietary nonsense hardware. As a pro, you expect easy exchangeable, compatible components, like RAM, CPU, GPU, harddrives, and PCIe-slots, 2 x 16x, etc. In the highest available standards. The new Mac”Pro” just is the new regular iMac. I bet the upcoming MacPro will be a total disaster.

interference - 답글

“Pro” is not a universal term. For some users, this Mac will be great. For others, not so much. What you want and need isn’t what everyone else wants and needs.

Dongboat -

The numbers tell us it’s a more powerful box than anything Apple has produced so far. So from that perspective it’s a Pro box.

As to being the kind of box a Pro would own that gets into what his/her needs are. This system will serve many pro level user.

It still may not meet the real heavy weight users and clearly it’s a closed system with limited upgradability. That’s where the Mac Pro will be the true expandable system.

I’m hoping we see the AMD ThreadRipper CPU in it! Heavy weight pro’s need lots of threads and PCIe lanes, which is were the ThreadRipper shines!

Dan -

@DAN Threadripper has a TDP of 180W !!

How in the world do you think this will end with the Mac Pro(sumer) if Apple is not willing to cool the Xeon W in the iMac Pro properly!

Animarkzero ‍ ‎‎ -

Glad you guys got it back together! I’d hate to lose a $5K machine for no good reason :/

Liam Powell - 답글

It’s okay if it’s in the name of SCIENCE!

Kevin Stuckey -

I am curious about the SSD. I don’t like the idea of RAID-0 in a “pro” machine. Double the chance of failure, and a failure of one drive means loss of data on both. I am hoping it can be configured as two separate drives, so I can have half a TB for macOS, and half a TB for Bootcamp/Windows10/Autodesk bloatware like Revit. Curious how the inscription works in Bootcamp too. Does it require some special Windows driver for the T2 SSD controller? Mine arrived today, 2 days early, but I have no time to do more than open the brown box. Which was a mistake, because now I get to look at the picture on the inner box for three days before I can actually set it up. The agony. ;)

Also curious how soon someone with a maxed out machine breaks the screen, writes the whole thing off, and “upgrade CPU and SSD” parts are available second hand. I would assume you could even replace the MB this way to upgrade the GPU as well. It will be a niche market in a niche market, but it WILL be a market.

Gordon Price - 답글

Please, let is know if you can configure it as two separate SSD.

Peter Gamble -

You could already open another box while writing this.. :D

Igor Leskovar -

It’s not a RAID’ed drive but something similar! Think of it like how RAM inter-leaving works this is who Apple is doing it. Inter-leaving the operations across the two SSD' sets.

As for RAID the type of RAID makes a big difference! As well as what the drives are. Here using SSD’s it’s a lot more reliable than a spinning disk HDD. So if this was a RAID 0 drive I wouldn’t have a problem with it. Then there is Apple’s new file system! Which offers a better write operation so data loss is less likely. We have some large RAID 0 drive sets (all SSD’s) and they are very dependable. Our HDD RAID sets are all RAID 5 and we sync them in pairs to make sure we don’t loose anything.

Frankly, the dependability of your power will be a bigger risk! I hope you have a good back-filling UPS for your new system.

Dan -


Phy Belong - 답글

Nope something new! Raw flash inter-leaved. The T2 chip manages the read/write to the modules. If you remember back in the original IBM PC day we press fitted DIP memory into sockets on the logic board. At one point we had stacked chips soldered onto each other! This is in the same approach Apple is using, just within Flash.

Dan -

Here’s a good image of these old stacked chips: https://eda360insider.files.wordpress.co...

Dan -

It is a bit sad to make a ‘PRO’ machine with an underclocked XEON to keep the temps in check.

Form over function rules at Apple

reuze - 답글

Why do you say that?

Sure the server based chips run faster but at a cost, more power is needed and heat created. The Workstation class chips make sense.

The real question is when does it throttle (load wise). If it doesn’t then Apple has found the sweet spot for this design. So we’ll need to wait for the results from people testing it out.

Sure, I think a lot of people are waiting for the other shoe to drop, the specs of the new Mac Pro!

Dan -

Um, why? How would this be any different than if they had used an overclocked version of a slower chip? The speed is what it is, carefully balanced with other system hardware.

Mark -

“Think of it more like a bank of RAM. Each operation is bounced between the two modules (inter-leaved)”.

Then it is equivalent to RAID 0 in relation to data protection: if one SSD fails, all is lost. Or if the controller chip fails. Or if the main board fails in this case, since the SSD is paired with it. You cannot take the SSD out for troubleshooting or data recovery or booting in other Mac.

Peter Gamble - 답글

This is no different than with a single-board SSD, not more points of failure than that. This isn’t hard drives where each HDD adds a spinning disk and doubles the risk of failure.



I see a big difference. If data is stripped between two SSD, it is like RAID 0 for data protection by definition.

Peter Gamble -

The data isn’t striped. As already alluded to, that implies to separate controllers on two separate drives. This is one controller accessing chips on two separate boards. As the previous poster pointed out, this would be no different that putting all the chips on a single board, just less flexible in terms of space. which is at a premium inside this enclosure.

Mark -


You said: "The data isn’t striped. As already alluded to, that implies to separate controllers on two separate drives. This is one controller accessing chips on two separate boards. As the previous poster pointed out, this would be no different that putting all the chips on a single board, just less flexible in terms of space. which is at a premium inside this enclosure”.

Data not stripped on SSD? Do you have a proof of that? How can it achieve 3.3GB/s write and 2.8GB/s read without RAID 0 ?

Anyway, even if data is not striped, do you mean that if one SSD fails, data can be recovered on the other? If not, it is like RAID 0 in relation to data protection.

Peter Gamble -

Interleaved flash is not the same as RAID!

There is no recovery with RAID 0, you’re thinking RAID 1 (mirroring). There is very little risk here, HDD’s are much more prone to failure than SSD’s. In any case you should have a current backup.

Dan -

Miss the “old” Mac Pro 2008-2012. Think what this mac could have been with updated hardware.

I think that Apple does not love companies and "pro". Definitively.

It's like Apple said << Long life to assembled PCs >>. OK. I will buy an assembled PC.

The Outsider - 답글

All you complainers seem not to have heard that there’s a new Mac Pro coming out some time in the future, explicitly announced by Apple to be modular and upgradeable?


(i am replying to ‘dgramatzki’ … )

‘The Outsider’ is talking about a beautiful modular design of more than a decade ago…

Since then nothing really happened until that round one came in 2013…

Apple is now so briljant to reinvent a modular system …. again in …. 2018?

yes there is enough to complain…

reuze -

What iMac from a decade ago had a “beautiful, modular design”?

Mark -

Thanks so much for the breakdown. Was worth reading and looking at all of the images and comments..

rickgarcia - 답글

Can’t imagine those two heat pipes having much cooling capacity. That thing is gonna overheat like a MAC mini.

Randy - 답글

Can’t imagine a pair of heat pipes having enough cooling capacity. Just have a feeling this will overheat like a MAC mini. Why don’t they ever employ some kind of self contained liquid cooler?

Randy - 답글

The old Mac pros had “self contained liquid cooler”.


Christoffer Rasmussen -

Those liquid-cooled Power Mac G5 models were a nightmare. The design put the cooler right over the 1000W power supply. Then the liquid cooler started to leak. This shorted out the power supply, often killing the entire machine. Apple had a replacement program in place that if any sign of leakage was detected, they would replace the entire unit whether the customer wanted to or not. The best part was this was in the middle of the transition from PPC to Intel, so most of the customers’ pro applications were useless on the Intel Mac Pro. It was a total disaster. Liquid cooling is not a good idea in a computer case this small with a power supply this small.

Travis Funk -

As a holdout waiting for a replacement for my 2010 Mac Pro Tower I’m saddened that this all in one because I’ve have iMacs sitting in boxes because the screens were cooked along with some of the internals. My Tower has gone through 3 monitors over the years that I cheaply replaced.

wahakaa - 답글

Uh, every one of those iMacs can be repaired. What site are you on again?

Mark -

Great teardown and review.

In summary:

- One can upgrade RAM later on - saving a lot of $$ up-front. I got mine w/ 64GB - which should suffice until then.

- GPU does not matter, this one is “good enough” to be considered Pro workstation. Nothing stops one from adding another GPU via Thunderbolt 3 to PCI-e making it actually quite upgradeable (prosumers of this type of device already have a ton of storage via Thunderbolt on their desk, adding another box w/ a GPU is not a big deal)

- CPU is actually upgradeable. Sure, someone’s yet to test this but I am 99.9999% certain this is the case, so down the line in 2-3 years, pop it open, add a new-er xeon in and voila.

All in all - awesome machine. It actually replaced my whole VMware LAB, as I can now run it all on this iMac, in Fusion.

Petar Smilajkov - 답글

Just looking at the CPU speeds on the Apple site. As mentioned here, the 8 core is not the same part available to anyone from intel. It is slower. The 10 core is also slower. But the 14 and 18 core chips Apple use match the speed of what intel has on their site. The faster 8 and 10 as well as the same speed 14 and 18 all run at the same 140 Watt Total Design Power. Thus Apple may not be using the lower speed 8 and 10 core to save on heat. Apple likely has to deal with the 140W TDP of the 14 and 18.

Perhaps Apple are saving money by buying the 8/10 core chips from intel that don’t pass the first test?

Kemal NottaTurk - 답글

It would seem that way, until you consider the cache sizes.

Apple has a much bigger L3 caches than Intel offers in their Xeon Ws.

Aweizd Zsakul -

Thanks guys, What a wonderful teardown of the iMac Pro 2018. The pictures and the read was spot on and surely worth the time spent. I appreciate now, knowing what I buy, before I put down the money, and my late 2011 27” iMac needs a new partner this year.

I have planned to upgrade the memory and the SSD, but it is for sure a much greater job than upgrading the 2011 iMac. Armed with the ifixit teardown it’s time to prepare the action.

Steen Ricks Olsen - 답글

500W is far too little to host a full-fledged Xeon W and a Vega 56. I think Apple relies on thermal throttling and underclocking so performance doesn’t get “too high”. How will it ever support 18 FRICKIN’ CORES and a VEGA 64?!

Ethan Zuo - 답글

Do you know what type of Wi-Fi/Bluetooth chipset iMac Pro using?

Chen Lei - 답글

Hi, the display is definitely different than the Late 2014/2015 iMac. In that teardown, you posted an image of the model number/serial number sticker from the display. It would be much appreciated if you did the same for the iMac Pro.

Kris - 답글

Thank you Jeff, I don’t suppose you guys know where to find a spec sheet for this panel? I’m trying to understand the differences in the backlight technology between this one and the one from the 2014 model.

Kris - 답글

Unfortunately no, I haven’t seen a spec sheet anywhere as yet. There are a few prior revisions listed on public sites like Panelook, but they don’t include the iMac Pro panel… so far.

Jeff Suovanen -


What's the specifications of the motherboard of the iMac

Ntuthuko Zimu - 답글

In this configuration (motherboard to be vertical once re-assembled), would liquid metal thermal “paste” accumulate and drip down to other parts of the motherboard over time due to constant heat and gravity?

Benjamin Chen - 답글

Would have been nice to see more info on the display, just googling LG LM270QQ1 brings up -SDA2, -SDB1, -SDC1, etc.

Jake Snyder - 답글

See the first link in Step 16—the panel is labeled LM270QQ1 (SD)(D1).

Jeff Suovanen -

Technically, you could add multiple external GPUs for upgrades through the thunderbolt 3 ports

Lucas 9810 - 답글

I think Time Machine renders all of these arguments about RAID 0 and interleaving flash modules moot. For ~$100 I can have a living copy of my data that can easily be recovered to another Mac, or simply browsed by another Mac or PC with little effort. I leave a 4TB drive hanging off of my iMac 5k at all times for very little cost to me. The backup drive and the iMac are on their own over-sized UPS. All of that cost me about an extra $250. Why are you all worried about data recovery when some simple backup discipline would solve all of those problems. If you’re really a “Pro” it seems to me that you should have multiple contingencies around data loss and in the unlikely event of flash failure, you’d be fine.

Travis Funk - 답글

¡Excelente, solo recomendaría el uso de pulsera anti-estatica o guantes anti-estaticos, por lo demás muy buena guía, gracias!

David Molina - 답글

Hola buen día, gracias David por tus comentarios estamos a la orden, saludos

Miguel -

make a guide for a screen replacement!!

Drake - 답글

@dragonboy5499 Hopefully we’ll have a proper guide for that eventually, but for now, the iMac 5K Display Replacement Guide should get you by—other than a slightly different cable arrangement, the procedure is identical. Have fun! :)

Jeff Suovanen -

Does anyone know where iMac pro screens can be purchased??

Matthew Klein - 답글

I’m confused: about the RAM you wrote: 288-pin DDR4 ECC RAM. But if i follow the link to the upgrade kitcthe ram modules are labeled 260pin. so what is correct?

thorsten.binnewies - 답글

can I replace mount for vesa to imac 27 2017 ?

I have got Imac 27 2017 - but I want VESA to mount for this mac. Once i did fully resemble this machine -if i find stand from imac pro or previous imac -with supporting stand for vesa is it possible?

Oleg pikulev - 답글

Will you post an instruction how to reattach the display after removing the glue stripe with the pizza cutter ?

Felix Stark - 답글

Anyone know if the FaceTime HD 1080p Camera on the iMac Pro is available as a spare part?

Toying with the idea of installing it into an older iMac. (If it’s compatible.)

Muhammad Siddiq Chughtai - 답글

Did you ever find one? Please respond https://www.reddit.com/r/mac/comments/st... here we need the help!

oneiphonedoctor -

I want to upgrade the CPU inside my iMac Pro but I don’t have enough courage to open it up lol.

Master Creeper - 답글

I believe that t2 chip is nick named the death chip and will be soon removed and getting integrated with the cpu

Stephen Hall - 답글

My webcam doesn’t work after a screen replacement! PLEASE HELP!

oneiphonedoctor - 답글

i really enjoy reading your blog!

<a href="https://crack-patch.net/imageranger-pro-...>imageranger-pro-edition</a>

<a href="https://crack-patch.net/logic-pro-x-crac...>logic-pro-x</a>

Dean Thomas - 답글

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