학생-기여 위키
자사 교육 프로그램의 멋진 학생들이 이 위키를 만들었습니다.
Computer Is Warm to Touch
Your computer gets hot when operating for long periods of time.
Broken Fan
If your computer is getting hot, check that you fan is properly operating. This can be done by listening for the fan to see if it is turned on. If you can not hear your fan follow this guide to verify that it is correctly plugged in or replace the fan as necessary.
Dried Out Thermal Paste
If your fan is operating normally and you computer still gets hot, or if your fan is unreasonably loud you may need to replace the thermal paste between your processor and its thermal pipes. You can follow this guide to see how to get to your processor, and this guide on thermal paste replacement.
Keystrokes Not Registering
Keyboard is being unresponsive or certain keys aren’t working.
Keys are Stuck
If you are having trouble pressing a key down, it is possible that there is something blocking the key from inside your computer. In order to fix this and clean below the keyboard please follow this guide. Once you have successfully cleaned the key and removed any debris around it, you will be able to snap the key back into its original position.
Faulty Keyboard
If the entire keyboard is unresponsive and you have tried rebooting your computer, try replacing the board with this guide.
Audio gets Intermittent Distortion on Battery Power
Sound isn’t working or is distorted when your laptop is not plugged in.
Battery Saving Settings are in Place
If your audio only becomes distorted once you unplug your computer and it is running solely on battery power, you may want to check your battery saving preferences on your laptop. On your laptop go to your notification area in the RHS corner. Then select: winXP -> Control Panel -> Battery Saving -> High Performance. By selecting “High Performance” in your Battery Saving Preferences, you will most likely resolve this issue.
Loose Headphone Jack
If changing your battery saving preferences did not work, check to see if the audio issues only occur when you are using headphones. If the audio is only distorted while listening with headphones, the headphones might be the part that is faulty. Furthermore, ensure that your headphones are fully plugged into the computer so that you are checking if the issue is a loose audio jack.
Battery is Faulty
In order to ensure your battery is holding a charge, plug it in and check to make sure the charging light is on. If it seems that the battery is holding a charge, it could be an issue with the battery itself. Refer to our Battery Replacement guide for further instructions on replacing a faulty battery.
Computer Will Not Turn On
If your computer will not turn on it may be to the battery is not getting a charge.
Burnt-Out Power Outlet
If you have tried turning on your computer and it will not respond, First try to see if your computer is plugged in check to see if any of the plugs are loose in the back of the desktop or the outlet in the wall. Also make sure the wall outlet is working properly. If this does not resolve the issue see if your power cord is faulty by plugging in another power cord from another computer.
Faulty Power Supply
If your power supply is damaged it must be removed and replaced with a new power supply. First make sure your laptop is unplugged from the wall outlet. Next unplug your power supply block it is normally at the back of the laptop near the fold. Clean the power socket as best as you can before inserting the new power supply block.
Issues with Speakers
Sound is either not playing at all, or the audio is distorted.
Volume Muted
Begin by looking at the settings on your computer. At the bottom right hand corner, there will be an icon for speakers. Click on it and ensure that it is not on mute and set at a reasonable volume to hear (>30). If so, then go to the audio clip that you are trying to play and ensure that that also has not been set on mute.
Loose Headphone Jack
Similar to when Audio is distorted on battery power, check to see if the audio issues only occur when you are using headphones. If the audio is only distorted or not working while listening with headphones, the headphones might be the part that is faulty. Ensure that your headphones are fully plugged into the computer so that you are checking if the issue is a loose audio jack.
Faulty Speakers
If all of the above have not worked, it may be an issue with the actual speakers. They may have gotten damaged through incidental drops, water damage, or simple wear and tear. Please follow this guide to replace the speakers.
Cannot Connect To Wifi
Laptop will not connect to a wireless network for an unknown reason. The
computer may still connect via Ethernet cable but wireless will not work.
Wifi On Laptop is Turned Off
Find the wifi button on your laptop and click it. Conversely, you can enable it by right clicking the network settings on the taskbar.
You May Not Actually Be Signed In
Check to ensure that you are signed in.
WLAN On Your Router May Be Down
Try restarting your router and ensure that the WLAN light is flashing.
Driver Issue
A faulty or dated driver may be the cause of your problem. Navigate to device manager and find the network adapter within. Search for a driver update online if you have access to an ethernet cable and router or, alternatively, download the driver onto a flashdrive and upload it to the laptop.
Your Wifi Card May Be Poorly Seated or Faulty
Remove and reseat the wifi card and reboot to potentially solve this problem. If this doesn’t fix the problem, a replacement may be in order. Find a compatible card for the laptop and install that following this guide.
댓글 한 개
Hannspree sent my tablet a download. Since then, when I start up, I just get a background voice. I cannot eliminate it; I cannot get any program. HELP!
gerald stillit - 답글