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Astro Headset 수리 포럼 - 페이지 2

Astro A40 TR
1 답변


작성자가 수정함

edited by author 완료자 Bailey

Astro A50 2014
3 답변

Big D MC

댓글이 삭제되었습니다

comment deleted 완료자 Big D MC

Astro A50 2016
0 답변

Bayle Johnson


asked 완료자 Bayle Johnson

Astro A40 TR
0 답변

honakrisi 3.7k

댓글이 있음

commented 완료자 honakrisi

Astro A40 Gen2
3 답변

Gabriel Camacho

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commented 완료자 Gabriel Camacho

Astro A50 2016
1 답변

Seb Deerson

작성자가 수정함

edited by author 완료자 Seb Deerson

Astro A40 Gen2
1 답변

oldturkey03 812.9k


answered 완료자 oldturkey03

Astro A40 TR
1 답변

oldturkey03 812.9k


answered 완료자 oldturkey03

Astro A50 2014
3 답변

Erase NL

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commented 완료자 Erase NL

Astro A40 TR
0 답변
Broke Headphone Jacks A40

답변이 없습니다 Astro A40 TR 답변 0개



asked 완료자 benjamin

Astro A40 TR
2 답변

Barry Elson

댓글이 있음

commented 완료자 Barry Elson

Astro A20
0 답변

Isaac D


asked 완료자 Isaac D

Astro A50 2016
0 답변

Donald F Vincent


asked 완료자 Donald F Vincent

Astro A40 TR
0 답변
My tip of the aux broke

답변이 없습니다 Astro A40 TR 답변 0개

2k Is godly


asked 완료자 2k Is godly

Astro A20
0 답변
(HELP) Microphone Not Functioning Properly

답변이 없습니다 Astro A20 답변 0개

Yared Kokeb


asked 완료자 Yared Kokeb

Astro A50 2014
0 답변
Where to find 40mm driver replacement?

답변이 없습니다 Astro A50 2014 답변 0개

Majid Alsinany

댓글이 있음

commented 완료자 Majid Alsinany

Astro A40 TR Plus Mixamp M80
0 답변



asked 완료자 tylerjberard

Astro A40 TR
0 답변
Some of the framing is broken

답변이 없습니다 Astro A40 TR 답변 0개

Julian Paul


asked 완료자 Julian Paul

Astro A40 Gen2
0 답변



asked 완료자 wardjosh210

Astro A40 Gen2
1 답변

oldturkey03 812.9k

승인된 답변

answer accepted 완료자 oldturkey03