Having a look at [http://www.coolbook.se/CoolBook.html|CoolBook] would definitely help you. I have it installed on three MacBooks and a 15-inch MacBook Pro and -after some fiddling with the settings- the run far cooler and for more time on each charge!
Having a look at [http://www.coolbook.se/CoolBook.html|CoolBook] would definitely help you. I have it installed on three MacBooks and a 15-inch MacBook Pro and -after some fiddling with the settings- they run far cooler and for more time on each charge!
Having a look at [http://www.coolbook.se/CoolBook.html|CoolBook] would definitely help you. I have it installed on three MacBooks and a 15-inch MacBook Pro and -after some fiddling with the settings- the run far cooler and for more time on each charge!