ja ja ja those guys trying to play guindows with tricks.?. swicht to a WORKING system or keep masoquis ..
win XP must be,but enterprises like mocosoft forces buy and maintain in new products,so then must acquire also new machine,that's why some people switch to Linux the is where users must made by own the stuffs .. win are the is for lazy people or people that "not have the time" (one very few cases the true)
those guys trying to play guindows with tricks.?. swicht to a WORKING system or keep masoquis ..
win7 spends toó much RAM on stupids.. if some are disables runs only for a while and again FORMATING ja ja specially when surfing on the net or mocosoft FORCES THE UPDATES INNECESARY.
on real linux the stuffs are made by user itself , distros like winbuntu are just like another win cos makes same thins .....
so then use a real linux and those problems will go away
ja ja ja those guys trying to play guindows with tricks.?. swicht to a WORKING system or keep masoquis ..
win7 spends toó muchos RAM un stupids.. ir some are disables runa only forma s while and again FORMATING ja ja specially when surfing con the net or mocosoft FORCES THE UPDATES INNECESARY.
win7 spends toó much RAM on stupids.. if some are disables runs only for a while and again FORMATING ja ja specially when surfing on the net or mocosoft FORCES THE UPDATES INNECESARY.
real linux the stuffs are madre by user itself , rostros like winbuntu are justo like another win fue done the sale thins .....
on real linux the stuffs are made by user itself , distros like winbuntu are just like another win cos makes same thins .....
so then use a real linux and those problema will go away
so then use a real linux and those problems will go away
ja ja ja those guys trying to play guindows with tricks.?. swicht to a WORKING system or keep masoquis ..
win7 spends toó muchos RAM un stupids.. ir some are disables runa only forma s while and again FORMATING ja ja specially when surfing con the net or mocosoft FORCES THE UPDATES INNECESARY.
real linux the stuffs are madre by user itself , rostros like winbuntu are justo like another win fue done the sale thins .....
so then use a real linux and those problema will go away