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현재 버전 작성자: decoded


Hi. No worries mate. All HP laptops built since 2013 on up have this very problem.
I have the 2014 HP x360 with 5500 u i7 Intel CPU 2.40 GHz 2.40 GHz with 16 GB Ram.
If you phone HP, Tec Support will tell you not to have any hope for any expectations that this
problem can be fixed. Quote and End Quote.
My logical opinion is that HP will have to re-tool all it's future computers to fix it.
Most of the hp mother boards are made by Asus. The Best. We might be able to get
then to do a replace ment for us, however think of the cost of that !
In the meantime, you and everyone else who has a recently manufactured HP Computer, is going
to be stuck with the lap top or PC rebooting into the Diagnostic Repair Loop.
Say you have a hard shut down. A file fragment is now displaced. You install your favorite anti-malware, (my opinion Emsisoft is the ultimate end of them all The Best and most rewarded of them all.
The Emsisoft Internet Security Suite works seamlessly with my windows 8.1)
HP Diagnostic Repair, unfortunately for all of us end users, as you have found out already, will recognize something is missing in the written codes of everything you have, and then everything new you install, and then all those great programs we were able to seamlessly run on our older machine will now trigger on the next reboot, HP DIAGNOSTIC REPAIR. By now we all know it doesn't
repair anything, nor log the initial problem that the Computer encountered. The only way out of that loop is to press F 11. and then select any of HP's Restore options. HP Diagnostic repair is imbedded into the whole Architecture of the computer. All the pre-installed software, The Mother Board, and all the other hardware. Doomed and doomed again.
So far I have spent most of my time , since November 28tn, 2015 when I purchased this what I thought to be a great lap top, I have spent most of my life now in HP System Restore.
Currently I recommend you purchase the official Restore USB disk from HP.
That way you know it hasn't been corrupted.
By now you should have learned that if you didn't save your stuff you love, photos , mp3 that when you do end up soon or later but you will , in hP system restore options, you will find out the hard way
that if your PC, ie laptop went into HP diagnostic repair, that now, none of you system restore points
are available. HU HA hp, no kidding what a fatal engineering feat you have accomplished on the whole HP loving World.
it works better then anything I have previously done.
GO - TO "FILE HISTORY" you will find that sweet little icon in the CONTROL PANEL.
Click it, it opens up, DO NOT TURN ON FILE HISTORY unless you fully understand the ramifications of that automatic back up. Like personal INFO you don't want suddenly available on the web.
GO-TO The left hand lower corner of the window, and select "System Image Backup"
The HP makes a perfect image of everything you have going on right at that moment.
That is why you want to not download Emsisoft and install it or any other favorite software for that matter that needs to update.
I have found with great attention to details, and what external functions I put to task by my beloved
LapTop, that I can go a week or more without tripping The HP Diagnostic Repair Loop.
Sorry for all the many words. I dont' know to condense it down so it is what it is.
Do not use your laptop HD for storage of your precious things. Anything.
You might have to use the system Restore for this reason.
Even though I have a satisfactory image of the C Drive, one or three triggered HP Diagnostic Repair loops, corrupts that image. OH NO . Doomed and doomed again.
Handle it.
The HP Tec support guy, Herman in the Phillipines said HP was aware of this problem and that he was going to be sure to elevate my complaint on the HP DIAGNOSTIC REPAIR loop to hp.
Down the line, the HP engineers are going to make new computers with out this fuction.
We might be able to return our Lap tops, and PC, to be refurbished and a minimal cost.
That's my hope.
Until then to all of us HP End Users, no worries mate, no matter what level of code competence we have, everyone in the world with one of these HP lap tops, or PC's have this terrible ongoing continuous until the ends of the earth, Diagnostic Repair Loop when least expected .
DONT FORGET. You will all have a better go at it if you make that "System Image Back UP" clicking on the bottom of the File History Window, left hand side.
I got other Ideas too.
Go to Best Buy. Ask the how much it will cost to make a disk of all the necessary latest install drivers
for you HP. Next pay the money for the CD it's going to be worth it . Next purchase your windows Os
Dont' try to switch out an OS on an HP. It's a nightmare.
INSTALl UBANTU over the whole system, void your hp factory warranty, and now you have your own computer. Yours.
If you are the end user I am, you need a friend to run you thru UBANTU, however the good news, is it is a Linix system, you know the Penguin, tight tight OS, few if any exploits, and someone in the know
will show you how to aquire all the drivers that it needs to run your mother board, sound card, ect ect.
I am going to do that ater I try the Best Buy Tecs. I already talked to them in person, and if you ask them, for a few dollars more , they will have a very special High Tech Code person, do all the work on your HP right in front of you. Hey. That's simpy great.
Good Luck. Keep your HP or get your money back now.
With love, Hope, and Spiritual understanding. G-d, blesse be he, is IAM
+=== Update (03/15/2016) ===
+This is NGC4414.
+I wrote a lengthy note about Diagnostic Repair.
+I'm back to let you all New HP owners, and starting at 2013 owners,
+Diagnostic Repair is embedded in the entire HP Architecture.
+The mother board, the hard drive (s) all the HP software and anything else HP that you
+can think of.
+Once it begins the loop just press F 11 on the reboot. There you will find many options to how to
+restore your HP. That's it. That is not a solution, Your HP is going to spend the rest of
+your remaining hours mostly in "Diagnostic Repair", and "Your PC ran into trouble."
+it's just the way it is. By now you all should have got off the phone with HP Tec support, and they basically
+will tell you everyone has this new problem, and that you must not have any hope for a solution.
+That's because it is a hardware generated problem.
+Once in "Diagnostic Repair loop", or "Your PC ran into Trouble" the only way out of
+those two loops is by pressing F 11 during the next reboot.
+To help you get through this a little better, go to File History. Look down at the lower left hand corner
+of the screen and you will find "System Image Back Up"
+Make one after you have cleaned up your HP. That means you use your HP Restore USB or Disks and run
+them. Make sure you have them. If you don't this next option will cost you.
+goto KillDisk.com, download their free Kill Disk Console. Learn how to use it, and completely do their
+Low Level Format. It's free , and changes all the data on the disk to 00000x0
+That is a cleen HD, and now you can install your HP system on that, knowing there will be no future
+interference , or a trigger set off by the disk, even though you did your factory restore.
+0 the drive, or use HP option to format the drive. Select that from Refresh section. It asks you if you want to save your files, do a refresh , or do you want to get rid of all your files and reinstall or do you want
+to format the disk because you are going o donate it, or throw it away. That last one is the one you want.
+Don't select that unless you have your restore disks. You can make them one time by going to HP Recovery Media. Do it right. Use a USB a little larger then what is needed.
+If you use DVD or CD re writable or write once you will need three to thirteen disks and then you will have to baby sit the HP till it's done. Then when you run a restore you have to baby sit the HP.
+A USB is seamless, and a walk away job. Start the HP restore from a USB and walk away , go out go to the gym, go to work, the HP will be ready for you when you get back. No worries mate. The HP is sleeping by the time you get home, just wake it up with a move of your mouse.
+After you do the perfect restore, and I might add I have done thousands of HP System Restores, all of the
+options, everyone of them I could select, well I add this. Now you have the HP exactly the way HP wants that HP to run. Do not change anything . Nothing. Do not add anything at all, except a free Microsoft software
+ Here are solutions to some common problems with installing updates. You might be able to automatically fix some problems by running the Windows Update Troubleshooter Quote and end Quote.
+Boys and Girls, this little tool works. The software download is called, "WindowsUpdateDiagnostic"
+That's the only added on software you should run . You will not be able to update very well or not at all
+until you run it. Reboot, run it again. then select automatically install updates, or do them manually.
+If some of them don't install, run the Windows Update Diagnostic tool again.
+What you want to do in all this, is have all your windows updates, as many as you possibly can before you
+create your new Image. File History create system image works perfectly.
+Just remember it's a 20 minute job, don't stop it for anyreason, let it finish.
+Reboot a couple of times to shake it all out and down. until you do that, your system has a bit of trouble
+remembering what it is. Then it's as if you didn't run it at all. Perfect, until the next time you trigger
+the HP Diagnostic Repair Loop. Usualy what I have found is that Windows Updates after you reboot triggers the Diagnostic Repair loop on the way back to windows, so windows doesn't start, you know.
+you are now in the loop. The ground hog day movie loop. Over and Over and Over again.
+In closing, I will come back and let you all know about my Transitioning my HP to UBANTU.
+I have a good feeling about it. No more Diagnostic repair loop. Well , after all is said and done I have hope.
+Other wise the final solution is to contack a Free Fee basis Attorney. a real successful one, who does "Class Action Suits" and only takes on a case like this, to win hundreds of millions of dollars
+which in advance he knows he will win. That is why that level of Attorney takes the case.
+He or She is going to win, and knows that in advance.
+If you think about it, everyone in the world with a 2016 HP has this very same trouble.
+Doomed and Doomed Again. (don't' forget, Diagnostic Repair is part of the very physical structures of
+the HP. The mother board, the Hard Drive (s) all the HP Software.
+Next week I am going to look to installing UBANTU via USB. My hp does not have a optical drive.
+Sorry windows, however right now, there is no way I can return my HP for a full refund. I just got it
+in November 2014. It an HP x360 dual 5500U Intel 2.46 Ghz = Quad Core at 16 GB Ram.
+I believe right now that is the only solution, as I told you the HP you just purchased , or got it a few months ago, is permanently designed around the Diagnostic Repair Loop, and Your PC ran into some Trouble Loop.
+Of hand, every now and then someone will ask me where is is I am from. Well here it is, now you all know.
+Sincerely Yours From NGC 4414.



원본 게시물 작성자: decoded


Hi.  No worries mate.  All HP laptops built since 2013 on up have this very problem.

I have the 2014 HP x360 with  5500 u i7 Intel CPU  2.40 GHz  2.40 GHz with 16 GB Ram.

If you phone HP, Tec Support will tell you not to have any hope for any expectations that this

problem can be fixed.   Quote and End Quote.

My logical opinion is that HP will have to re-tool all it's future computers to fix it.

Most of the hp mother boards are made by Asus. The Best.  We might be able to get

then to do a replace ment for us, however think of the cost of that !

In the meantime, you and everyone else who has a recently manufactured HP Computer, is going

to be stuck with the lap top or PC rebooting into the Diagnostic Repair Loop.

Say you have a hard shut down.  A file fragment is now displaced.  You install your favorite anti-malware, (my opinion Emsisoft is the ultimate end of them all The Best and most rewarded of them all.

The Emsisoft Internet Security Suite works seamlessly with my windows 8.1)

HP Diagnostic Repair, unfortunately for all of us end users, as you have found out already, will recognize something is missing in the written codes of everything you have, and then everything new you install, and then all those great programs we were able to seamlessly run on our older machine will now trigger on the next reboot, HP DIAGNOSTIC REPAIR.  By now we all know it doesn't

repair anything, nor log the initial problem that the Computer encountered.  The only way out of that loop is to press F 11.  and then select any of HP's Restore options.  HP Diagnostic repair is imbedded into the whole Architecture of the computer.  All the pre-installed software, The Mother Board, and all the other hardware.   Doomed and doomed again.

So far I have spent most of my time , since November 28tn, 2015 when I purchased this what I thought to be a great lap top,  I have spent most of my life now in HP System Restore.

Currently I recommend you purchase the official Restore USB disk from HP.

That way you know it hasn't been corrupted.

By now you should have learned that if you didn't save your stuff you love, photos , mp3 that when you do end up soon or later but you will , in hP system restore options, you will find out the hard way

that if your PC, ie laptop went into HP diagnostic repair, that now, none of you system restore points

are available.  HU HA hp, no kidding what a fatal engineering feat you have accomplished on the whole HP loving World.


it works better then anything I have previously done.

GO - TO  "FILE HISTORY"  you will find that sweet little icon in the CONTROL PANEL.

Click it, it opens up, DO NOT TURN ON  FILE HISTORY  unless you fully understand the ramifications of that automatic back up.   Like personal INFO you don't want suddenly available on the web.

GO-TO The left hand lower corner of the window, and select "System Image Backup"

The HP makes a perfect image of everything you have going on right at that moment.

That is why you want to not download Emsisoft and install it or any other favorite software for that matter that needs to update.

I have found with great attention to details, and what external functions I put to task by my beloved

LapTop, that I can go a week or more without tripping  The HP Diagnostic Repair Loop.

Sorry for all the many words. I dont' know to condense it down so it is what it is.

Do not use your laptop HD for storage of your precious things. Anything.

You might have to use the system Restore for this reason.

Even though I have a satisfactory image of the C Drive, one or three triggered HP Diagnostic Repair loops, corrupts that image.  OH NO  . Doomed and doomed again.

Handle it.

The HP Tec support guy, Herman in the Phillipines said HP was aware of this problem and that he was going to be sure to elevate my complaint on the HP DIAGNOSTIC REPAIR loop to hp.

Down the line, the HP engineers are going to make new computers with out this fuction.

We might be able to return our Lap tops, and PC, to be refurbished and a minimal cost.

That's my hope.

Until then to all of us HP End Users, no worries mate, no matter what level of code competence we have, everyone in the world with one of these HP lap tops, or PC's have this terrible ongoing continuous until the ends of the earth, Diagnostic Repair Loop when least expected .

DONT FORGET.  You will all have a better go at it if you make that "System Image Back UP" clicking on the bottom of the File History Window, left hand side.

I got other Ideas too.

Go to Best Buy.  Ask the how much it will cost to make a disk of all the necessary latest install drivers

for you HP.  Next pay the money for the CD it's going to be worth it . Next purchase your windows Os

Dont' try to switch out an OS on an HP. It's a nightmare.


INSTALl UBANTU over the whole system, void your hp factory warranty, and now you have your own computer. Yours.

If you are the end user I am, you need a friend to run you thru UBANTU, however the good news, is it is a Linix system, you know the Penguin, tight tight OS, few if any exploits, and someone in the know

will show you how to aquire all the drivers that it needs to run your mother board, sound card, ect ect.

I am going to do that ater I try the Best Buy Tecs.   I already talked to them in person, and if you ask them, for a few dollars more , they will have a very special High Tech Code person, do all the work on your HP right in front of you.  Hey. That's simpy great.

Good Luck. Keep your HP or get your money back now.

With love, Hope, and Spiritual understanding. G-d, blesse be he, is IAM

