fyi I can share my experience with this machine and this same problem.
until recently I had this model iMac 24" 2.33GHz with nVidia GeForce 7600GT graphics card. it had intermittent heat-caused graphics problems, specifically:
a) occasionally, random horizontal lines on the display or within a window would become corrupted, or
b) when running 3D intensive apps, there would be massive graphics corruption over the whole screen, eventually leading to a severe random crash and lockup of the machine.
the problems would only occur when the machine was running hot. Problem a) could occur no matter what application was running, even just within the Finder. usually just single horizontal line would be corrupted.
since I had a month left in my 3 yr AppleCare warranty I brought it into the AppleStore. they confirmed it was a hardware problem and replaced the logic board and CPU fan which seemed to be running a bit slow. we reproduced the problem in-store by running a lot of graphic-intensive apps, a bunch of flash-heavy websites, and even partially blocking some of the airflow vents on the machine.
after replacing the logic board and fan, they still said they weren't satisfied the problem was solved and ordered a replacement graphics card. (this matches what I have read on various internet forums - that this problem is due to the graphics card in this model iMac)
Unfortunately they had problems sourcing a replacement graphics card and after many weeks of waiting they offered to either continue waiting for the replacement (unknown ETA), or replace my 3yr old 24" iMac with a brand new 27" 3.06GHz C2D machine. you can guess which option I chose :) AppleCare FTW
anyhow just fyi, this model does appear to suffer graphics card problems under heat. if your warranty has already expired, then yes smcFanControl seems to be one way you can at least mask the problem. Otherwise, perhaps try replacing the graphics card. good luck.
anyhow just fyi, this model does appear to suffer graphics card problems under heat. if your warranty has already expired, then yes smcFanControl seems to be one way you can at least mask the problem. Otherwise, perhaps try replacing the graphics card. I've not looked at the graphics card myself, but apparently they have a MXM (Mobile PCI express Module) interface. good luck.
fyi I can share my experience with this machine and this same problem.
until recently I had this model iMac 24" 2.33GHz with nVidia GeForce 7600GT graphics card. it had intermittent heat-caused graphics problems, specifically:
a) occasionally, random horizontal lines on the display or within a window would become corrupted, or
b) when running 3D intensive apps, there would be massive graphics corruption over the whole screen, eventually leading to a severe random crash and lockup of the machine.
the problems would only occur when the machine was running hot. Problem a) could occur no matter what application was running, even just within the Finder. usually just single horizontal line would be corrupted.
since I had a month left in my 3 yr AppleCare warranty I brought it into the AppleStore. they confirmed it was a hardware problem and replaced the logic board and CPU fan which seemed to be running a bit slow. we reproduced the problem in-store by running a lot of graphic-intensive apps, a bunch of flash-heavy websites, and even partially blocking some of the airflow vents on the machine.
after replacing the logic board and fan, they still said they weren't satisfied the problem was solved and ordered a replacement graphics card. (this matches what I have read on various internet forums - that this problem is due to the graphics card in this model iMac)
Unfortunately they had problems sourcing a replacement graphics card and after many weeks of waiting they offered to either continue waiting for the replacement (unknown ETA), or replace my 3yr old 24" iMac with a brand new 27" 3.06GHz C2D machine. you can guess which option I chose :) AppleCare FTW
anyhow just fyi, this model does appear to suffer graphics card problems under heat. if your warranty has already expired, then yes smcFanControl seems to be one way you can at least mask the problem. good luck.
anyhow just fyi, this model does appear to suffer graphics card problems under heat. if your warranty has already expired, then yes smcFanControl seems to be one way you can at least mask the problem. Otherwise, perhaps try replacing the graphics card. good luck.
fyi I can share my experience with this machine and this same problem.
until recently I had this model iMac 24" 2.33GHz with nVidia GeForce 7600GT graphics card. it had intermittent heat-caused graphics problems, specifically:
a) occasionally, random horizontal lines on the display or within a window would become corrupted, or
b) when running 3D intensive apps, there would be massive graphics corruption over the whole screen, eventually leading to a random crash and lockup of the machine.
b) when running 3D intensive apps, there would be massive graphics corruption over the whole screen, eventually leading to a severe random crash and lockup of the machine.
the problems would only occur when the machine was running hot. Problem a) could occur no matter what application was running, even just within the Finder. usually just single horizontal line would be corrupted.
since I had a month left in my 3 yr AppleCare warranty I brought it into the AppleStore. they confirmed it was a hardware problem and replaced the logic board and CPU fan which seemed to be running a bit slow. we reproduced the problem in-store by running a lot of graphic-intensive apps, a bunch of flash-heavy websites, and even partially blocking some of the airflow vents on the machine.
after replacing the logic board and fan, they still said they weren't satisfied the problem was solved and ordered a replacement graphics card. (this matches what I have read on various internet forums - that this problem is due to the graphics card in this model iMac)
Unfortunately they had problems sourcing a replacement graphics card and after many weeks of waiting they offered to either continue waiting for the replacement (unknown ETA), or replace my 3yr old 24" iMac with a brand new 27" 3.06GHz C2D machine. you can guess which option I chose :) AppleCare FTW
anyhow just fyi, this model does appear to suffer graphics card problems under heat. if your warranty has already expired, then yes smcFanControl seems to be one way you can at least mask the problem. good luck.
fyi I can share my experience with this machine and this same problem.
until recently I had this model iMac 24" 2.33GHz with nVidia GeForce 7600GT graphics card. it had intermittent heat-caused graphics problems, specifically:
a) occasionally, random horizontal lines on the display or within a window would become corrupted, or
b) when running 3D intensive apps, there would be massive graphics corruption over the whole screen, eventually leading to a random crash and lockup of the machine.
the problems would only occur when the machine was running hot. Problem a) could occur no matter what application was running, even just within the Finder. usually just single horizontal line would be corrupted.
since I had a month left in my 3 yr AppleCare warranty I brought it into the AppleStore. they confirmed it was a hardware problem and replaced the logic board and CPU fan. after doing so, they still said they weren't satisfied the problem was solved and ordered a replacement graphics card.(this matches what I have read on various internet forums - that this problem is due to the graphics card in this model iMac)
since I had a month left in my 3 yr AppleCare warranty I brought it into the AppleStore. they confirmed it was a hardware problem and replaced the logic board and CPU fan which seemed to be running a bit slow. we reproduced the problem in-store by running a lot of graphic-intensive apps, a bunch of flash-heavy websites, and even partially blocking some of the airflow vents on the machine.
Unfortunately they had problems sourcing a replacement graphics card and after many weeks of waiting they offered to either continue waiting for the replacement (unknown ETA), or replace my 3yr old 24" iMac with a brand new 27" 3.06GHz C2D machine. you can guess which option I chose :)
after replacing the logic board and fan, they still said they weren't satisfied the problem was solved and ordered a replacement graphics card. (this matches what I have read on various internet forums - that this problem is due to the graphics card in this model iMac)
Unfortunately they had problems sourcing a replacement graphics card and after many weeks of waiting they offered to either continue waiting for the replacement (unknown ETA), or replace my 3yr old 24" iMac with a brand new 27" 3.06GHz C2D machine. you can guess which option I chose :) AppleCare FTW
anyhow just fyi, this model does appear to suffer graphics card problems under heat. if your warranty has already expired, then yes smcFanControl seems to be one way you can at least mask the problem. good luck.
fyi I can share my experience with this machine and this same problem.
until recently I had this model iMac 24" 2.33GHz with nVidia GeForce 7600GT graphics card. it had intermittent heat-caused graphics problems, specifically:
a) occasionally, random horizontal lines on the display or within a window would become corrupted, or
b) when running 3D intensive apps, there would be massive graphics corruption over the whole screen, eventually leading to a random crash and lockup of the machine.
the problems would only occur when the machine was running hot. Problem a) could occur no matter what application was running, even just within the Finder. usually just single horizontal lines would be corrupted.
the problems would only occur when the machine was running hot. Problem a) could occur no matter what application was running, even just within the Finder. usually just single horizontal line would be corrupted.
since I had a month left in my 3 yr AppleCare warranty I brought it into the AppleStore. they confirmed it was a hardware problem and replaced the logic board and CPU fan. after doing so, they still said they weren't satisfied the problem was solved and ordered a replacement graphics card. (this matches what I have read on various internet forums - that this problem is due to the graphics card in this model iMac)
Unfortunately they had problems sourcing a replacement graphics card and after many weeks of waiting they offered to either continue waiting for the replacement (unknown ETA), or replace my 3yr old 24" iMac with a brand new 27" 3.06GHz C2D machine. you can guess which option I chose :)
anyhow just fyi, this model does appear to suffer graphics card problems under heat. if your warranty has already expired, then yes smcFanControl seems to be one way you can at least mask the problem. good luck.
fyi I can share my experience with this machine and this same problem.
until recently I had this model iMac 24" 2.33GHz with nVidia GeForce 7600GT graphics card. it had intermittent heat-caused graphics problems, specifically:
a) occasionally, random horizontal lines on the display or within a window would become corrupted, or
b) when running 3D intensive apps, there would be massive graphics corruption over the whole screen, eventually leading to a random crash and lockup of the machine
b) when running 3D intensive apps, there would be massive graphics corruption over the whole screen, eventually leading to a random crash and lockup of the machine.
the problems would only occur when the machine was running hot. Problem a) could occur no matter what application was running, even just within the Finder. usually just single horizontal lines would be corrupted.
since I had a month left in my 3 yr AppleCare warranty I brought it into the AppleStore. they confirmed it was a hardware problem and replaced the logic board and CPU fan. after doing so, they still said they weren't satisfied the problem was solved and ordered a replacement graphics card. (this matches what I have read on various internet forums - that this problem is due to the graphics card in this model iMac)
Unfortunately they had problems sourcing a replacement graphics card and after many weeks of waiting they offered to either continue waiting for the replacement (unknown ETA), or replace my 3yr old 24" iMac with a brand new 27" 3.06GHz C2D machine. you can guess which option I chose :)
anyhow just fyi, this model does appear to suffer graphics card problems under heat
anyhow just fyi, this model does appear to suffer graphics card problems under heat. if your warranty has already expired, then yes smcFanControl seems to be one way you can at least mask the problem. good luck.
fyi I can share my experience with this machine and this same problem.
until recently I had this model iMac 24" 2.33GHz with nVidia GeForce 7600GT graphics card. it had intermittent heat-caused graphics problems, specifically:
a) occasionally, random horizontal lines on the display or within a window would become corrupted, or
b) when running 3D intensive apps, there would be massive graphics corruption over the whole screen, eventually leading to a random crash and lockup of the machine
the problems would only occur when the machine was running hot.problem a) could occur no matter what application was running, even just within the Finder
the problems would only occur when the machine was running hot. Problem a) could occur no matter what application was running, even just within the Finder. usually just single horizontal lines would be corrupted.
since I had a month left in my 3 yr AppleCare warranty I brought it into the AppleStore. they confirmed it was a hardware problem and replaced the logic board and CPU fan. after doing so, they still said they weren't satisfied the problem was solved and ordered a replacement graphics card. (this matches what I have read on various internet forums - that this problem is due to the graphics card in this model iMac)
Unfortunately they had problems sourcing a replacement graphics card and after many weeks of waiting they offered to either continue waiting for the replacement (unknown ETA), or replace my 3yr old 24" iMac with a brand new 27" 3.06GHz C2D machine. you can guess which option I chose :)
anyhow just fyi, this model does appear to suffer graphics card problems under heat
fyi I can share my experience with this machine and this same problem.
until recently I had this model iMac 24" 2.33GHz with nVidia GeForce 7600GT graphics card. it had intermittent heat-caused graphics problems, specifically:
a) occasionally, random horizontal lines on the display or within a window would become corrupted, or
b) when running 3D intensive apps, there would be massive graphics corruption over the whole screen, eventually leading to a random crash and lockup of the machine
the problems would only occur when the machine was running hot.problem a) could occur no matter what application was running, even just within the Finder
since I had a month left in my 3 yr AppleCare warranty I brought it into the AppleStore. they confirmed it was a hardware problem and replaced the logic board and CPU fan. after doing so, they still said they weren't satisfied the problem was solved and ordered a replacement graphics card. (this matches what I have read on various internet forums - that this problem is due to the graphics card in this model iMac)
Unfortunately they had problems sourcing a replacement graphics card and after many weeks of waiting they offered to either continue waiting for the replacement (unknown ETA), or replace my 3yr old 24" iMac with a brand new 27" 3.06GHz C2D machine. you can guess which option I chose :)
anyhow just fyi, this model does appear to suffer graphics card problems under heat